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Why Paper and Printing were Invented First in China and Used Later in Europe (Translation)
Journal of the Faculty of Liberal Arts, Yamaguchi University. Humanities and Social Sciences Volume 20
Creators : Sawaya Harutsugu Publishers : 山口大学教養部 Date Issued : 1986
Die Innenstruktur der VP im Deutschen : Zur Beschrebung der Konstruktion mit Doppeltem Infinitiv (I)
Journal of the Faculty of Liberal Arts, Yamaguchi University. Humanities and Social Sciences Volume 19
Creators : Honda Yoshiaki Publishers : 山口大学教養部 Date Issued : 1985
”Absolution” as a Prologue to The Great Gatsby
English and English-American literature Volume 30
Creators : Izu Taiwa Publishers : 山口大学人文学部・教育学部・教養部・医療技術短期大学部 Date Issued : 1995-12-20
Creators : Nakamura Koshiro Publishers : 山口大学人文学部・教育学部・教養部・医療技術短期大学部 Date Issued : 1994-12-20
George Moore's Historical Novels (2) : On Love in Heloise and Abelard
English and English-American literature Volume 29
Creators : Takakura Akio Publishers : 山口大学人文学部・教育学部・教養部・医療技術短期大学部 Date Issued : 1994-12-20
A. Huxley as an Artist : On Happy Families and Some Other Works
English and English-American literature Volume 29
Creators : Kashiwabara Hirosuke Publishers : 山口大学人文学部・教育学部・教養部・医療技術短期大学部 Date Issued : 1994-12-20
The recollections of my research and education in the field of physical education
Journal of the Faculty of Liberal Arts, Yamaguchi University. Natural science Volume 19
Creators : Fujita Nobuyoshi Publishers : 山口大学教養部 Date Issued : 1985
Memoriis of a physiologist(I)
Journal of the Faculty of Liberal Arts, Yamaguchi University. Natural science Volume 19
Creators : Tanikuni Katsumi Publishers : 山口大学教養部 Date Issued : 1985
Exercise and Nutrition for the Maintenance or the Promotion of Health
Journal of the Faculty of Liberal Arts, Yamaguchi University. Natural science Volume 19
Creators : Matoba Hideki | Tan Nobusuke Publishers : 山口大学教養部 Date Issued : 1985
Olfactory neural pathway and responses to odor compounds in the deutocerebrum of the moth, Mamestra brasssicae
Journal of the Faculty of Liberal Arts, Yamaguchi University. Natural science Volume 19
Creators : Watanabe Masao Publishers : 山口大学教養部 Date Issued : 1985
Vorrede zur Krisis-phliosorhie
Journal of the Faculty of Liberal Arts, Yamaguchi University Volume 1
Creators : Tanaka Hiromochi Publishers : 山口大学教養部 Date Issued : 1967-12
Structured Group Encounters for University Students : Development of Human Relations
Journal of the Faculty of Liberal Arts, Yamaguchi University. Humanities and Social Sciences Volume 29
Creators : Hayashi Shinichi | Ishida Takako Publishers : 山口大学教養部 Date Issued : 1995
An Attempt to Introduce Bioethical Themes into General Education
Journal of the Faculty of Liberal Arts, Yamaguchi University. Humanities and Social Sciences Volume 29
Creators : Kawasaki Masaru Publishers : 山口大学教養部 Date Issued : 1995
Material : Verwaltungsverfahrensgesetz im Osteuropa (3) : Polen
Journal of the Faculty of Liberal Arts, Yamaguchi University. Humanities and Social Sciences Volume 29
Creators : Uesugi Nobutaka Publishers : 山口大学教養部 Date Issued : 1995
Das Versicherungrecht in Der DDR (8)
Journal of the Faculty of Liberal Arts, Yamaguchi University. Humanities and Social Sciences Volume 29
Creators : Michihiro Yasumichi Publishers : 山口大学教養部 Date Issued : 1995
C. B. Brown, Alcuin; A Dialogue
English and English-American literature Volume 29
Creators : Fujimoto Yukio Publishers : 山口大学人文学部・教育学部・教養部・医療技術短期大学部 Date Issued : 1994-12-20
”Carelass Driving” in The Great Gatsby
English and English-American literature Volume 29
Creators : Izu Taiwa Publishers : 山口大学人文学部・教育学部・教養部・医療技術短期大学部 Date Issued : 1994-12-20
Uniform Modules and Radicals in a Torsion Theory
Journal of the Faculty of Liberal Arts, Yamaguchi University Volume 11
Creators : Katayama Hisao Publishers : 山口大学教養部 Date Issued : 1977-10
Weyl's Gauge Field and Its Related Topics
Journal of the Faculty of Liberal Arts, Yamaguchi University. Natural science Volume 18
Creators : Nishioka Michio Publishers : 山口大学教養部 Date Issued : 1984-10
An Invitation to Hadronic Mechanics
Journal of the Faculty of Liberal Arts, Yamaguchi University. Natural science Volume 18
Creators : Nishioka Michio Publishers : 山口大学教養部 Date Issued : 1984-10
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