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Message passing decoder with decoding on zigzag cycles for non-binary LDPC codes
IEICE transactions on fundamentals of electronics, communications and computer sciences Volume E97-A Issue 4
Creators : Nozaki Takayuki | Kasai Kenta | Sakaniwa Kohichi Publishers : 電子情報通信学会 Date Issued : 2014-04-01
Weight distribution for non-binary cluster LDPC code ensemble
IEICE transactions on fundamentals of electronics, communications and computer sciences Volume E96-A Issue 12
Creators : Nozaki Takayuki | Maehara Masaki | Kasai Kenta | Sakaniwa Kohichi Publishers : 電子情報通信学会 Date Issued : 2013-12-01
Analysis of error floors for non-binary LDPC codes over general linear group through q-ary memoryless symmetric channels
IEICE transactions on fundamentals of electronics, communications and computer sciences Volume E95-A Issue 12
Creators : Nozaki Takayuki | Kasai Kenta | Sakaniwa Kohichi Publishers : 電子情報通信学会 Date Issued : 2012-12-01
Analytical solution of covariance evolution for irregular LDPC codes
IEEE transactions on information theory Volume 58 Issue 7
Creators : Nozaki Takayuki | Kasai Kenta | Sakaniwa Kohichi Publishers : IEEE Information Theory Society Date Issued : 2012-07-01
Analysis of Error Floors of Non-binary LDPC Codes over BEC
IEICE transactions on fundamentals of electronics, communications and computer sciences Volume E95-A Issue 1
Creators : Nozaki Takayuki | Kasai Kenta | Sakaniwa Kohichi Publishers : 電子情報通信学会 Date Issued : 2012-01-01
Analysis of stopping constellation distribution for irregular non-binary LDPC code ensemble
IEICE transactions on fundamentals of electronics, communications and computer sciences Volume E94-A Issue 11
Creators : Nozaki Takayuki | Kasai Kenta | Sakaniwa Kohichi Publishers : 電子情報通信学会 Date Issued : 2011-11-01
Analysis of error floors of non-binary LDPC codes over MBIOS channel
IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences Volume E94-A Issue 11
Creators : Nozaki Takayuki | Kasai Kenta | Sakaniwa Kohichi Publishers : 電子情報通信学会 Date Issued : 2011-11-01
Detailed evolution of degree distributions in residual graphs with joint degree distributions
IEICE transactions on fundamentals of electronics, communications and computer sciences Volume E91-A Issue 10
Creators : Nozaki Takayuki | Kasai Kenta | Shibuya Tomoharu | Sakaniwa Kohichi Publishers : 電子情報通信学会 Date Issued : 2008-10-01
Creators : Camettia Georgia | Danisi Rosa Micaela | Armbrustera Thomas | Nagashima Mariko Publishers : Elsevier Date Issued : 2015-05-15
Creators : Danisi Rosa Micaela | Armbruster Thomas | Nagashima Mariko Publishers : the Mineralogical Society Date Issued : 2015-02
Creators : Izumino Yuya | Nakashima Kazuo | Nagashima Mariko Publishers : Japanese association of Mineralogists, Petrologists and Economic Geologists Date Issued : 2014-08
Creators : Kodama Yuuki | Suzuki Haruo | Hideo Dohra | Sugii Manabu | Kitazume Tatsuya | Yamaguchi Katsushi | Shigenobu Shuji | Fujishima Masahiro Publishers : BioMed Central Date Issued : 2014-03-10
Creators : Nakagawa Tomoyuki | Nozaki Koji | Maeda Shuichi | Yamamoto Takashi Publishers : Elsevier Ltd Date Issued : 2015-09-26
Creators : Nakagawa Tomoyuki | Maeda Shuichi | Nozaki Koji | Yamamoto Takashi Publishers : Elsevier BV Date Issued : 2014-04-25
A variational problem related to conformal maps
Osaka journal of mathematics Volume 48 Issue 3
Creators : Nakauchi Nobumitsu Publishers : Osaka University Date Issued : 2011
Creators : Amaoka Yuuki | Nagatomo Masanori | Watanabe Mizuki | Tao Keisuke | Kamijo Shin | Inoue Masayuki Publishers : Royal Society of Chemistry Date Issued : 2014-11-01
Creators : Dohra Hideo | Tanaka Kenya | Suzuki Tomohiro | Fujishima Masahiro | Suzuki Haruo Publishers : Wiley-Blackwell Date Issued : 2014
Magnetic fabric analyses as a method for determining sediment transport and deposition in deep sea sediments
international journal of marine geology, geochemistry and geophysics Volume 356
Creators : Novak B. | Housen B. | Kitamura Y. | Kanamatsu T. | Kawamura K. Publishers : Elsevier Scientific Date Issued : 2013-12
Creators : Imaoka Teruyoshi | Nakashima Kazuo | Kamei Atsushi | Hayasaka Yasutaka | Ogita Yasuo | Ikawa Toshiyuki | Itaya Tetsumaru | Takahashi Yoshio | Kagami Hiroo Publishers : Elsevier Date Issued : 2014-09-16
Periodic flare of the 6.7-GHz methanol maser in IRAS22198+6336
PASJ : publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan Volume 66 Issue 4
Creators : Fujisawa Kenta | Takase Genta | Kimura Saki | Aoki Nozomu | Nagadomi Yoshito | Shimomura Tadashi | Sugiyama Koichiro | Motogi Kazuhito | Niinuma Kotaro | Hirota Tomoya | Yonekura Yoshinori Publishers : Astronomical Society of Japan Date Issued : 2014-07