Novel porous materials called KGL have been prepared from mining waste of Kuroko-type ore deposit added with III-anhydrite and portlndite by steam curing. The waste was calcined beforehand up to 1,000℃ and then pulverized and screened. The III-anhydrite was prepared from by-product gypsum and slaked lime of chemical was served for portlandite. These three raw materials were mixed in desired proportions and precursors were firstly made by slip cast technique flooded with appropriate amount of water. The precursors were air-dried for several days and then steam-cured for 24 hours. Thus, light weight porous materials have been obtained. The mining waste comprises chlorite, sericite and quartz in addition to some barite. Gypsum and C-S-H were found as hydrates by XRD. SEM observation revealed that acicular to lathlike crystals of gypsum developed mainly, also contributing to the strength development, when calcined the waste at higher temperatures, whereas the gypsum appeared in irregular platy form, when calcined the waste at lower temperatures.