- 著者一覧
- Nemoto Kei
Nemoto Kei
Affiliate Master
Yamaguchi University
Update Date (<span class="translation_missing" title="translation missing: en.view.desc">Desc</span>)
The bulletin of the Yamaguchi Medical School Volume 58 Issue 3-4
pp. 37 - 43
published_at 2011
皮膚病診療 Volume 34 Issue 3
pp. 257 - 260
published_at 2012-03-01
Experimental dermatology Volume 21 Issue 7
pp. 543 - 546
published_at 2012-07
Creators :
Sugawara Tomoko
Nemoto Kei
Adachi Yasuhiro
Yamano Nozomi
Tokuda Nobuko
Muto Masahiko
Okuyama Ryuhei
Sakai Shingo
Owada Yuji
Publishers : Munksgaard International Publishers | Blackwell Munksgaard
皮膚病診療 Volume 34 Issue 7
pp. 647 - 650
published_at 2012-07-01