The species of Fagacea in the compound of 55 shrines in Shimonoseki-shi were investigated. Fifteen species belonging to four genera, 11 broad-leaf evergreen species and 4 broad-leaf deciduous species, were identified: Quercus acuta (in 3 shrines), Q.glauca (in 40 shrines), Q.gilva (in 1 shrines), Q.phillyraeoides (in 2 shrines), Q.salicina (in 4 shrines), Q.myrsinaefolia (in 2 shrines), Q.sessilifolia (in 1 shrines), Lithocarpus glabra (in 7 shrines), L. edulis (in 10 shrines), Castanopsis cuspidate sieboldii (in 3 shrines), C. cuspidate (in 37 shrines), Q.variabilis (in 2 shrines), Q.acutissima (in 4 shrines), Q.serrata (in 15 shrines), and Castanea crenata (in 9 shrines) , respectively. The average number of species per a compound in Shimonoseki-shi was 2.5. In this area, Q.glauca, C.cuspidate, and Q.serrata are dominant and common species