Twenty species of eugregarines from thirteen species of Japanese Tenebrionidae are described in this paper. Three of them are new species. The other seventeen are already known species and the description of them is rewrited with the system that the author proposed in the previous paper. Coleoptera is the biggest Order which includes about 40% of species in the Class Insect. A lot of gregarines have been reported from Coleoptera until now but the gregarines from Japanese Tenebr- ionidae are reported this time. The twenty gregarines belong to 6 genus : 12 spe- cies belong to Gregarina, 4 species belong to Steinina and other 4 belong to Hirmocystis, Stylocephalus, and Asterophora. Hosts, Tenebrio molitor L, and Tribolium castaneum Herbst are both cosmopolitan species and par- asitized with three species of gregarines. Tribolium castaneum Herbst, Lyprops sinensis Marseul, Hemicera zigzaga Marseul and Uloma latimanus Kolbe are parasitized with 2 species of gregarines. On the other hand Gregarina cuneata Stein is reported from 3 species of host: Tenebrio molitor L., Tenebrio obscurus Fabricius and Tribolium castaneum Herbst.