Date Issued (<span class="translation_missing" title="translation missing: en.view.asc">Asc</span>)
Creators : Kishimura Susumu | Ishimoto Naokuni | Kawado Yushi | Arifuku Satoshi | Kinsei Masayuki | Saiki Hideto Updated At : 2013-09-10 03:21:05
The development and implementation of industrial policy are essential in shaping a country’s economic landscape. It promotes industrialization, which, in turn, generates employment opportunities, enhances productivity, and diversifies the economy. the present dissertation studies the subject of industrial policy, with a particular emphasis on resource allocation and computable general equilibrium in Ghana. Chapter 2 delves into the concept of industrial policy and its implementation in Africa in general, and Ghana, in particular. First, we examine Ghana’s past experience with industrial policy implementation and the reasons for its inability to attain the desired outcomes. Subsequently, in response to the call for a return to industrial policy, we argue in favor of a renewed implementation of industrial policy in Ghana. We posit that the likelihood of success is significantly higher with the benefit of better institutions. Chapter 3 examines the subjects of firm-level productivity, productivity distribution, and resource allocation. In the first instance, we decompose labor productivity in Ghana and draw the conclusion that within-sector resource allocation primarily drives productivity growth, with structural change playing a limited role. Next, we analyze the gross allocative effect, finding evidence that resources are migrating toward sectors of lower productivity. Finally, we also examine productivity distribution through the lens of the power law distribution, establishing that firms involved in international trade exhibit higher levels of aggregation. Thus, allocating resources to such firms leads to greater productivity, thereby minimizing resource misallocation. Chapter 4 presents a dynamic recursive computable general equilibrium for Ghana, employing a Social Account Matrix (SAM) with 2015 as the benchmark year, and we conclude this chapter with a brief analysis of SAM. Chapter 5 examines several possible simulation scenarios. We build our simulations around two industrial policy strategies: labor-intensive and capital-intensive, furthermore our simulation is informed by Ghana’s industrial policy plan. We analyze various policies such as efficiency improvement, trade protection, free trade, and taxation policy. We conclude that capital-intensive industrialization would work better under a free trade policy. Moreover, we discovered that the cost of protecting labor-intensive industries is less than the cost of safeguarding capital-intensive industries. We conclude the dissertation with a discussion of the implications of our findings. we aim to provide a comprehensive discussion of the implications of our findings, as well as acknowledge the limitations of our study and propose potential avenues for further research. By doing so, we hope to contribute to the existing body of knowledge in our field and inspire future researchers to expand upon our work.
Creators : Borges Jorge Tavares Updated At : 2023-12-13 10:41:44
抗がん剤の副作用である口腔粘膜炎の改善にはエレンタール^(R)は有効であることが報告されている。5-フルオロウラシル (5-FU) の副作用には口腔粘膜炎がある。そこでエレンタール^(R)の中で口腔粘膜炎の改善に最も有用な成分の特定を試みた。マウス(対照群を除く)に5-FUを4日間腹腔内注射し、生理食塩水(対照群、5-FU群)、デキストリン(デキストリン群)、アミノ酸(17AA群)、エレンタール^(R)(エレンタール^(R)群)のいずれかを7日間投与した。
Creators : 藤原 里衣子 Updated At : 2022-06-08 13:39:58
Creators : Okino Kousuke | Saiki Hideto Updated At : 2013-09-10 03:42:51
中央構造線(MTL; Median Tectonic Line)は、西南日本を東西に横断する延長約1000kmの断層である。愛媛県西条市付近には、MTLは三波川変成帯と和泉層群を境する構造線としての低角度な断層帯(MTLTB; MTL inactive terrane boundary)と、この断層の北側に並走する活断層としての高角度な断層帯(MTLAFZ; MTL active fault zone)がある。地表でのMTLAFZの傾斜角度を明らかにするために、川上断層を横断する延長約10m、深さ約2mのトレンチ調査を行った。また、地表部で約10mの間隔で並走する両断層の地下での接合関係と断層面の傾斜角度を明らかにするために、断層を横断する80-330mの6本のボーリング掘削を実施した。更に、より広範囲の断層構造や地盤の物性を把握するために延長1200mの反射法地震探査と延長500mの高密度電気探査を実施した。採取した断層試料を用いて断層岩の化学分析、変形構造記載、カルサイトの双晶密度の測定、断層の変形フェーズの解析を行い、低角度横ずれ断層のメカニズムや断層活動史を明らかにした。 トレンチ調査、ボーリング調査、高密度電気探査により、地表部で北方へ約70゜の角度で傾斜する川上断層が、地下で北方へ30゜の角度で傾斜するMTLTBに収れんすることが示唆され、地下のMTLTBは活断層であることが分かった。MTLTBの上盤に分布する小断層の卓越した和泉層群の比抵抗値は、主破砕帯の割れ目の少ない安山岩ブロックと推定される高比抵抗部を除き、断層下盤に分布する堅硬な三波川変成岩類の比抵抗値よりも低い値を示した。また、断層に沿って深部流体が上昇していると推定される低比抵抗帯が確認された。反射法地震探査では、MTLTBに相当する北方へ約30゜の角度で傾斜する明瞭な反射面が確認され、より深部まで断層が延長することが分かった。主破砕帯を構成する蛇紋岩中の鉱物のEPMA分析結果によると、マントル起源のマグネシオクロマイトを含むことが分かった。既往の深部地震探査の結果は、MTLの深部延長が下部地殻まで達しいることを示しているが、これにより、MTLTBの延長がマントルまで達し、蛇紋岩が断層変位とダイアピルによって表層部まで上昇してきたことが示唆された。MTLTBは断層面の傾斜角度が低角度であり、本来は横ずれ断層として動きにくいと考えられる。MTLTBの断層ガウジや主破砕帯に大量の層状珪酸塩鉱物が存在することや断層沿いの深部流体の存在は、断層のせん断強度を低下させる要因となり、低角度の断層でも横ずれ運動が可能になったと考えられる。カルサイトの双晶密度から求めたMTLTBを横断する歪み分布は断層から直線的で緩やかに低下する傾向を示し、断層のせん断強度が低下していることを示唆する。 変形フェーズの解析では、MTLTBとMTLAFZの幾何学的な特徴やそれぞれの断層と地層との接合関係、断層の変位センス等の構造地質学的特徴、古応力場の解析等に基づいて変形フェーズを古いほうからD1~D4の4つに定義した。D1フェーズはNNE-SSW圧縮の応力場の変形であり始新世中期(47 -46 Ma) 頃に断層の上盤が西方へ変位した左横ずれセンスの運動、D2フェーズはE-W伸張の応力場の変形であり中新世中期(15 -14 Ma) 頃に断層の上盤が北方へ変位した正断層センスの運動、D3フェーズはNNW-SSE圧縮の応力場の変形であり中新世中期から鮮新世後期(14-3Ma) 頃に断層上盤が南方へ変位した逆断層運動、D4フェーズはWNW-ESE圧縮の応力場の変形であり鮮新世後期から更新世前期(3-1 Ma) 以降に断層上盤が東方へ変位した右横ずれ運動である。 西南日本を横断する中央構造線沿いには多くの都市が分布しており、MTLの傾斜角度等の幾何学的な情報は、地震災害分布や地震の規模等を予測する上で重要パラメータになると考えられる。また、MTLAFZは地下数km以内の浅い深度でMTLTBに収れんすると考えられ、従来、非活動的な地質断層として考えられていたMTLTBが、将来、活断層として変位する可能性があることを示唆している。
Creators : Miyawaki Masahiro Updated At : 2022-11-07 16:05:22
Creators : 小口 瞳史 Updated At : 2022-11-08 13:08:29
Ferrites : proceedings of the eighth International Conference on Ferrites, 2000 (ICF 8) pp. 491 - 493
Creators : Yamamoto S. | Horie S. | Tanamachi N. | Kurisu H. | Matsuura M. | Isida K. Publishers : Japan Society of Powder and Powder Metallurgy Updated At : 2010-02-18 09:00:00
Proceedings of the first international workshop on Kansei pp. 77 - 80
Creators : Juan Do | Motoyama Chihiro | Kai Junnko | Osa Atsushi | Miike Hidetoshi Updated At : 2012-02-08 01:04:14
Physica D. Nonlinear phenomena Volume 430 pp. 133080 -
Creators : Matsuno Yoshimasa Publishers : Elsevier B.V. Updated At : 2022-02-17 13:28:54
Creators : 河原 遼太 Updated At : 2022-06-09 14:21:50
pp. 123 - 131
Creators : 宮本 文穂 | 中村 秀明 | 河村 圭 | 瓦谷 晴信 | 脇本 文 | 中村 智宏 | 高林 尚弘 | 石田 純一 Publishers : 山口県・山口大学土木・建築系学科官学勉強会 Updated At : 2010-04-21 19:16:43
Creators : 神野 有生 | 福元 和真 | 田村 尚也 | 宮﨑 真弘 | 米原 千絵 | 浦川 貴季 | 清水 隆博 | 炭田 英俊 Updated At : 2021-09-14 00:14:16
2008 International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications, NOLTA'08 pp. 199 - 202
Creators : Miura Kazuyuki | Osa Atsushi | Miike Hidetoshi Publishers : (社)電子情報通信学会 Updated At : 2012-02-08 01:59:33
International review of cell and molecular biology Volume 279 pp. 33 - 77
Creators : Kodama Yuuki | Fujishima Masahiro Publishers : Elsevier Updated At : 2014-01-22 20:46:34
Creators : 小山 虎 Publishers : 山口大学哲学研究会 Updated At : 2019-06-25 18:23:54
Proceedings of the second international workshop on Kansei pp. 123 - 126
Creators : Minami Hiroyuki | Yoshida Aya | Osa Atsushi | Miike Hidetoshi Updated At : 2012-02-08 01:53:45
This dissertation focuses on the experiences of a group of Japanese university students who participated in a short-term study abroad program in the Philippines. While the main objective of the four-week sojourn was to improve the participants’ English language skills, I explored the effects of the trip holistically as a qualitative case study to examine the unique learning context of studying English in the Philippines, a relatively new phenomenon that has developed from the turn of the 21st century. The primary form of data I used was interview responses obtained from 14 focal participants among a larger cohort of 103 students who traveled together in the summer of 2018. The target students were mostly low to intermediate level (CEFR A2 to B1) before departure and returned at a marginally higher benchmark (CEFR B1 average) according to standardized testing scores. More importantly, most students did not have extensive international experience prior to the sojourn, and overall they expressed a more open stance to using English for communication after the trip. In this case and context, positive affective development occurred due to intensive one-on-one instruction with Filipino teachers who interacted with the Japanese students in a warm, friendly, and supportive manner. This learning situation is characteristically different from North American and other Western contexts typically associated with English learning, and with its relative ease of access geographically and financially, offers a practical alternative to Japanese students unable to study abroad otherwise. The results of this study indicate how Japanese learners of English adopt subtle changes in outlook through short-term study abroad programs in diversifying contexts. This research contributes significantly to the field of language learning in study abroad by documenting the perspectives of learners from Japan traveling within Asia. Study abroad itself is a relatively new area of inquiry which has focused predominantly on Western learners and contexts. Existing research on Japanese learners tends to concern privileged, advanced-level learners whose experiences may seem removed from the ordinary lives of students attending university in rural areas or those who do not consider themselves academically or socioeconomically exceptional. Furthermore, the amount of existing research on short-term study abroad is severely limited and does not thoroughly account for the experiences of Japanese learners of English in the Philippines, a study abroad destination which has gained substantial popularity but remains underrepresented. Accounting for the social, cultural, and ideological circumstances of learning in a non-native English speaking context in Asia allows for a more nuanced interpretation of how monolingual Japanese speakers first encounter English as an international language. I collected data in multiple forms to document the complexity of the case. As the participants’ English teacher and chaperone to the Philippines, I was immersed in the learning contexts in the students’ home country as well as abroad. Semi-structured interviews before and after the study abroad experience were conducted in the informants’ native language. Written questionnaires were administered to the larger cohort of students who traveled together to obtain a more general assessment of students’ impressions regarding the study abroad experience. Standardized test scores were accessed for reference. These multiple data sources were drawn on to illustrate the changes observed in the perspectives of the focal informants. While the learning experiences of each informant were unique, I identified common themes among the ways students collectively changed their attitudes and beliefs toward English and language learning through their participation in the short-term study abroad program. First, the learners in this study increased their self-confidence and motivation to learn English and overcame their fear, anxiety, and inhibition toward using English to varying degrees. Second, they expanded their interests in learning about other languages and cultures while becoming more aware of the boundaries of their own culture. Third, their perceived communicative ability in English improved, which they found was not the same as having to perform well on standardized English tests. Fourth, participants’ sense of success in improving their English language proficiency was less certain, reflecting their divergent test score gains on standardized exams. These reported changes in perspective were not lifechanging transformations of learners’ social identities, but their previously constructed views of language, culture, communication, and learning were evidently affected. The qualitative effects of study abroad experienced by the informants of this study cannot be assessed adequately with the language proficiency tests highly regarded in mainstream Japanese society. Language ideologies prevalent in the participants’ home and host contexts for learning need to be considered in order to explain why the changes occurred. The learners in this study initially had an additional affective barrier toward communication in intercultural contexts because they could not take advantage of the widespread use of English as a lingua franca without first making efforts to use English itself. Since they were used to monolingual discourses in Japan, the idea of using English as a lingua franca, not only as a “perfect” native language, had to be presented to them in a reallife situation. The study abroad experience nudged learners toward using English in ways that reflect the Global Englishes paradigm. These slight shifts in mindset are indicative of attitudinal changes gradually taking place within Japan and are not restricted to individuals who identify with international communities.
Creators : 池田 理紗 Updated At : 2023-06-13 16:47:24
Political connections are considered a valuable resource in not only high-corruption countries but also low-corruption countries. This dissertation investigates the relationship between political connections and Sharia compliance, aiming to deepen understanding of the nature of political connections, as Sharia compliance prohibits engaging in corruption. Specifically, I analyze whether: 1) political connections and Sharia compliance affect merger and acquisition (M&A) performance; 2) connections to politicians affect the market response to firms' inclusion in or exclusion from the Indonesia Sharia Stock Index (ISSI); 3) political connections and Sharia compliance have been valuable during the COVID-19 pandemic; and 4) political connections affect firms' environmental performance. This dissertation comprises six chapters. Chapters 1 and 6 respectively introduce and conclude this dissertation. The remaining four chapters (i.e., Chapters 2-5) are essays on the empirical relationship between political connections and Sharia compliance. In Chapter 2, I study the impact of political connections and Sharia compliance on M&A performance, focusing on M&A deals in Indonesia during 2010-2016. I find that while political connections can improve market reactions to M&A announcements, Sharia compliance has a positive but insignificant impact on M&A performance. I further find that there is a substitution relationship between Sharia compliance and political connections: Sharia -compliant firms with political connections have poorer M&A performance than non-Sharia-compliant firms with political connections. Chapter 3 examines market responses to firms' addition to and removal from the ISSI and how political connections influence those market responses. I employ two kinds of analysis. First, using the event-study methodology, I measure abnormal returns surrounding the announcement of each firm's addition to or removal from the ISSI. Second, to more precisely identify the relationship between political connections and Sharia compliance, I use a pooled regression analysis. The results show that neither addition to nor removal from the ISSI produces abnormal returns for Indonesian firms, indicating that investors are little concerned with ISSI reconstitutions. Furthermore, political connections increase firms' value before inclusion in the ISSI, but the benefits of these connections are lost after their addition to the index. Chapter 4 offers novel evidence by investigating the value of political connections and Sharia compliance during the COVID-19 pandemic. I use the event-study methodology to measure the stock market reaction to the COVID-19 pandemic, and conduct a pooled regression analysis to more precisely identify the value of political connections and Sharia compliance during the pandemic. I find that a stock market anomaly occurred during the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia, in that the pandemic had a positive impact on the stock market. I also find that there was value for firms in being Sharia-compliant during the pandemic when the government announced tax incentives for firms. In Chapter 5, I investigate the relationship between political connections and the environmental performance of Sharia -compliant firms. I use a unique sample of firms covered by Indonesia's Program for Pollution Control Evaluation and Rating during 2013-2019. I find that political connections are less (more) valuable for Sharia-compliant firms (non-Sharia-compliant firms) m enhancing their environmental performance.
Creators : Wahyono Budi Updated At : 2022-11-09 15:53:37
近年、遺伝子改変T細胞を用いた養子免疫療法の臨床応用が進められているが、未だ治療成績は満足のいくものではなく、更なる治療の進歩が求められている。我々はこれまで、自律性にIL7とCCL19を発現するCAR-T細胞(7×19 CAT-R細胞)が優れた抗腫瘍活性を発揮することを示した。本研究ではIL7及びCCL19がTCR-T細胞の抗腫瘍活性を増強させる可能性を検証するため、腫瘍抗原であるP1Aを特異的に認識するTCR-T細胞(P1A-T細胞)にIL7及びCCL19を分泌させる遺伝子改変を加えた7×19 P1A-T細胞を作製した。P1Aを有する細胞株であるP815を皮下接種したマウスに対する養子免疫療法において、7×19 P1A細胞はIL7及びCCL19を分泌しないP1A-T細胞(Conv. P1A-T細胞)と比較し優れた抗腫瘍効果を示した。腫瘍拒絶マウスにおいては、Conv. P1A-T細胞を使用したマウスと比較し優れた免疫記憶が形成されていた。また抗PD-1抗体を用いた複合免疫療法を行うことで、7×19 P1A-T細胞の有する抗腫瘍効果は更に増強された。CRISPR/ Cas9システムを用いPdcd1をknockdownした7×19 P1A-T細胞は対照7×19 P1A-T細胞と比較し強い抗腫瘍効果を示したが、抗PD-1抗体を併用することで更なる抗腫瘍効果の増強を認めたことから、7×19 P1A-T細胞の発揮する抗腫瘍効果には7×19 P1A-T細胞そのものばかりでなくマウス内在性のT細胞が関与していることが分かった。また、7×19 P1A-T細胞においても抗PD-1抗体との併用により抗腫瘍効果が増強することを確認した。本研究における検証により、7×19 TCR-T細胞及び7×19 CAR-T細胞を用いた免疫療法が抗悪性腫瘍療法の発展に寄与できる可能性が示された。
Creators : 德永 良洋 Updated At : 2022-07-07 09:13:25
The objective of Chapter 1 of the present study was to evaluate the effect of heat-killed Lactobacillus sakei HS-1 (HK-LS HS-1) on the health and fecal bacteriological change of suckling Japanese Black calves as a supplement in milk replacers. To this end, they were randomly assigned to an HK-LS HS-1 supplement or a control without HK-LS HS-1 group in milk replacers. HK-LS HS-1 was administered from separation day to 3 weeks. Blood and fecal samples were examined. The result is glucose and vitamin A levels on day 7 were significantly higher in the supplement group than in the control group. No significant differences were observed in haptoglobin or serum amyloid A between the groups. The number of Escherichia coli in feces was lower in the control group than in the supplement group on day 21. No difference was observed in the number of Bifidobacteria, but that of lactic acid bacteria was significantly higher in the supplement group on day 21. The number of medications administered was significantly lower in the supplement group than in the control group during the experimental period. The results indicated that HK-LS HS-1 is potentially beneficial for improving intestinal microbes and reducing the number of medical treatments. In the second study, we evaluated the effects of supplementing cattle feed with difructose anhydride III (DFA III) by measuring urinary sterigmatocystin (STC) concentrations using 20 Japanese Black cattle aged 9–10 months from one herd. DFA III was supplemented for 2 weeks for 10 animals, and non-treated animals served as controls. STC concentration in the dietary feed was 0.06 mg kg−1(mixture of roughage and concentrate) at the beginning of the study (Day 0). The urine STC concentration was measured using liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry 1 d prior to DFA 2 III administration, 9 and 14 d thereafter, and 9 d following supplementation cessation, concomitant with the measurement of serum amyloid A (SAA). The number of heifers in which STC was detected in the urine was low in the DFA III group compared to that in the control group on Day 9. After 9 d following supplementation cessation (Day 23), STC concentrations were significantly lower (P = 0.032) in the DFA III group than in the control group, although there was no difference in the number of heifers in which urinary STC was detected or in SAA concentrations between the two groups. Our findings demonstrate the effect of DFA III on reducing the urinary concentration of STC in Japanese Black cattle.
Creators : 笹崎 直哉 Updated At : 2023-06-06 10:57:16
Creators : 大智 宏祐 Updated At : 2023-06-05 16:44:04
Creators : Aya Takahiro Updated At : 2021-12-07 00:34:46