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Ichihara Kiyoshi

Affiliate Master Yamaguchi University

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山口医学 Volume 55 Issue 5 pp. 167 - 172
published_at 2006-10-31
Creators : Matsumoto Kanako Matsuda Masako Miyata Fumi Karahi Sayaka Ichihara Kiyoshi Hirano Hitoshi Publishers : 山口大学医学会
Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine Volume 51 Issue 10 pp. e223 - e224
published_at 2013-10
Creators : Wang Xuejing Ichihara Kiyoshi Xu Guobin Itoh Yoshihisa Publishers : Walter de Gruyter
Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine Volume 51 Issue 5 pp. 1027 - 1040
published_at 2013-05
Creators : Ozarda Yesim Ichihara Kiyoshi Barth Julian H. Klee George Publishers : Walter de Gruyter
Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine Volume 51 Issue 4 pp. 781 - 789
published_at 2013-04
Creators : Yamashita Teppei Ichihara Kiyoshi Miyamoto Ayaho Publishers : Walter de Gruyter
Clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine Volume 51 Issue 7 pp. 1429 - 1442
published_at 2013-07
Creators : Ichihara Kiyoshi Ceriotti Ferruccio Tam Tran Huu Sueyoshi Shigeo Poon Priscilla M.K. Thong Mee Ling Higashiuesato Yasushi Wang Xuejing Kataoka Hiromi Matsubara Akemi Shiesh Shu-Chu Muliaty Dewi Kim Jeong-Ho Watanabe Masakazu Lam Christopher W.K. Siekmann Lothar Lopez Joseph B.Lopez Panteghini Mauro Publishers : Walter de Gruyter
Clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine Volume 51 Issue 7 pp. 1443 - 1457
published_at 2013-07
Creators : Ichihara Kiyoshi Ceriotti Ferruccio Kazuo Mori Huang Yang-Yang Shimizu Yoshihisa Suzuki Haruki Kitagawa Masami Yamauchi Kazuyoshi Hayashi Sadao Tsou Chia-Chun Yamamoto Yoshikazu Ishida Shigeo Leong Linda Sano MIchitaka Lim Hwan Sub Suwabe Akira Woo Hee-Yeon Kojima Keiya Okubo Yoshio Publishers : Walter de Gruyter
Clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine Volume 51 Issue 5 pp. 1007 - 1025
published_at 2013-05
Creators : Ichihara Kiyoshi Ozarda Yesim Klee George Straseski Joely Baumann Nikola Ishikura Kiyohide Publishers : Walter de Gruyter
The Japanese journal of medical technology Volume 61 Issue 6 pp. 1026 - 1031
published_at 2012-11-25
Creators : Furukawa Satoko Kohguchi Katsunori Ichihara Kiyoshi Nakai Fukue Okai Miki Watanabe Etsuko Iwasaki Ryuichi Tohyama Kaoru Publishers : 日本臨床衛生検査技師会
The Japanese journal of clinical pathology Volume 60 Issue 7 pp. 707 -
published_at 2012-07-25
Creators : 市原 清志 Publishers : 日本臨床検査医学会
Medical technology Volume 40 Issue 10 pp. 1129 - 1137
published_at 2012-10-15
Creators : Shimizu Yoshihisa Ichihara Kiyoshi Publishers : 医歯薬出版株式会社
Diagnostic microbiology and infectious disease Volume 74 Issue 3 pp. 230 - 235
published_at 2012-11
Creators : Tsuruoka Keiko Tsuneoka Hidehiro Kawano Mitsunobu Yanagihara Masashi Nojima Junzo Tanaka Tatehiko Yamamoto Misa Ichihara Kiyoshi Publishers : Elsevier Science Pub. | Elsevier Science
World journal of surgery Volume 36 Issue 6 pp. 1274 - 1278
published_at 2012-06-06
Creators : Ito Yasuhiro Kudo Takumi Kobayashi Kaoru Miya Akihiro Ichihara Kiyoshi Miyauchi Akira Publishers : Springer International | Springer-Verlag
British journal of haematology Volume 155 Issue 4 pp. 528 - 530
published_at 2011-11
Creators : Nojima Junzo Motoki Yukari Tsuneoka Hidehiro Kuratsune Hirohiko Matsui Tomohiro Yamamoto Misa Yanagihara Masashi Hinoda Yuji Ichihara Kiyoshi Publishers : Blackwell Scientific Publications | Blackwell Science
Annals of nuclear medicine Volume 26 Issue 3 pp. 281 - 285
published_at 2012-04
Creators : Kitamura Naoto Kosuda Shigeru Araki Koji Tomifuji Masayuki Mizokami Daisuke Shiotani Akihiro Shinmoto Hiroshi Fujii Hirofumi Ichihara Kiyoshi Publishers : Japanese Society of Nuclear Medicine
臨床化学 Volume 41 Issue 1 pp. 62 - 71
published_at 2012-01-31
Creators : Itoh Y. Hosogaya S. Ichihara K. Yamada T. Akasaka K. Waki S. Takagi K. Hashimoto A. Tanaka M. Kanbara K. Murano T. Maki K. Goto H. Terada A. Hamano Y. 細谷 幸雄 Nasu H. Tsuboi I. Kosaka M. Itoh T. Kobayashi T. Mochizuki K. Publishers : 日本臨床化学研究会
Clinical toxicology : the official journal of the American Academy of Clinical Toxicology and European Association of Poisons Centres and Clinical Toxicologists Volume 49 Issue 9 pp. 820 - 827
published_at 2011-11
Creators : Matsuda Kimiko Suzuki Koichiro Ishihara Satoshi Morinaga Mutsuko Okamoto Misao Shiino Yasukazu Horiuchi Ikuo Tohyama Kaoru Ichihara Kiyoshi Publishers : Taylor & Francis
Clinica chimica acta : international journal of clinical chemistry Volume 413 Issue 1-2 pp. 175 - 181
published_at 2012-01-18
Creators : Itoh Yoshihisa Ichihara Kiyoshi Kishi Kouji Hosogaya Shigemi Yamada Toshiyuki Publishers : Elsevier Science
Abstract Background: Expanding nursing workload is a worldwide problem. However, any nursing workload assessment (NWA) tool requires complicated analyses of the nursing job profile. To determine the imbalance in time assignments across all nursing operations and to reduce nursing workload, a nursing job survey was conducted. Methods: A total of 25 major job categories, common to all hospital wards, were identified, and an NWA tool was developed for efficient analyses to feature easy/flexible entry of the time spent for each job category and real-time visual profiling of job time allocation. The profile could be divided by job categories, wards, shifts, and years. Results: From the preliminary analyses, undesirable time allocation was revealed in several job categories, especially the time for recording and other nonessential nursing operations. Using the analytical functions of the NWA tool between 2014 and 2016, a series of corrective measures were successfully taken to many job categories, and they were found to be effective. Consequently, excessive overtime workload was reduced from 125 min/day/nurse in 2014 to 100 and 100 min/day/ nurse in 2015 and 2016, respectively. Conclusion: Notable improvements in nursing workload and time allocation for attentive patient care could be achieved employing the novel user-aimed NWA tool.
Creators : Shimizu Yumi Satou Kazutaka Manago Noriko Itou Masako Ichihara Kiyoshi Maekawa Tsuyoshi Publishers : Yamaguchi University School of Medicine