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Okamura Yoshihisa

Affiliate Master Yamaguchi University

Development and operation of sustainable recycling teaching materials centered on special needs schools

Bulletin of the Integrated Center for Education Research and Training Volume 55 Page 127-132
published_at 2023-03-15
[fulltext] 2.38 MB
Development and operation of sustainable recycling teaching materials centered on special needs schools
Creators Okamura Yoshihisa
[e_rad]10204025 10204025
Affiliate Master Yamaguchi University
[kakenhi]15501 grid.268397.1
Creators Miyamoto Kiyomi
Creators Matsumura Daiki
Creators Ogata Masayuki
Creators Fujioka Naoki
Source Identifiers [EISSN] 2434-4494
Creator Keywords
特別支援学校 持続可能 SDGs 循環型教材 学校間連携
Languages jpn
Resource Type departmental bulletin paper
Publishers 山口大学教育学部附属教育実践総合センター
Date Issued 2023-03-15
File Version Version of Record
Access Rights open access
Funding Refs
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science [crossref_funder]
Award Development of custom-made learning support tool utilizing digital fabrication technology 20K03065