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Hotta Masashi

Affiliate Master Yamaguchi University

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第24回IEEE広島支部学生シンポジウム論文集 pp. 130 - 133
published_at 2022
Creators : Ishikawa Junichiro Hotta Masashi
第24回IEEE広島支部学生シンポジウム論文集 pp. 126 - 129
published_at 2022
Creators : Fujimoto Yunosuke Hotta Masashi
The transactions of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers Volume J75-C1 Issue 4 pp. 205 - 207
published_at 1992-04
Creators : Hotta Masashi Geshiro Masahiro Sawa Shinnosuke Publishers : 電子情報通信学会
The transactions of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers Volume J75-C1 Issue 12 pp. 755 - 757
published_at 1992-12
Creators : Hotta Masashi Geshiro Masahiro Arashiba Tomoyuki Sawa Shinnosuke Publishers : 電子情報通信学会
The transactions of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers Volume J77-C1 Issue 11 pp. 710 - 712
published_at 1994-11
Creators : Hotta Masashi Geshiro Masahiro Tomimoto Tsuyoshi Publishers : 電子情報通信学会
The transactions of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers Volume J79-C1 Issue 4 pp. 123 - 125
published_at 1996-04
Creators : Hotta Masashi Takasugi Munehiro Ono Kazuo Publishers : 電子情報通信学会
The transactions of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers. C Volume J83-C Issue 1 pp. 98 - 100
published_at 2000-01
Creators : Hotta Masashi Tsurunari Tetsuya Miyake Yoshiaki Ono Kazuo Publishers : 電子情報通信学会
IEICE transactions on electronics Volume E82-C Issue 1 pp. 147 - 150
published_at 1999-01
Creators : Hotta Masashi Qian Yongxi Itoh Tatsuo Publishers : 電子情報通信学会
IEICE transactions on electronics Volume E85-C Issue 7 pp. 1519 - 1522
published_at 2002-07
Creators : Hotta Masashi Inoue Tomoyuki Kobayashi Masahiro Hano Mitsuo Publishers : 電子情報通信学会
IEICE transactions on electronics Volume E88-C Issue 2 pp. 275 - 278
published_at 2005-02
Creators : Hotta Masashi Hano Mitsuo Awai Ikuo Publishers : 電子情報通信学会
IEICE transactions on communications Volume E76-B Issue 12 pp. 1552 - 1557
published_at 1993-12
Creators : Hotta Masashi Geshiro Masahiro Sawa Shinnosuke Publishers : 電子情報通信学会
IEICE transactions on electronics Volume E76-C Issue 8 pp. 1333 - 1338
published_at 1993-08
Creators : Hotta Masashi Geshiro Masahiro Sawa Shinnosuke Publishers : 電子情報通信学会
IEICE transactions on electronics Volume E76-C Issue 8 pp. 1345 - 1349
published_at 1993-08
Creators : Hotta Masashi Geshiro Masahiro Kanoh Katsuaki Kanetake Haruo Publishers : 電子情報通信学会
IEICE transactions on electronics Volume E77-C Issue 11 pp. 1722 - 1725
published_at 1994-11
Creators : Hotta Masashi Geshiro Masahiro Publishers : 電子情報通信学会
URSI Radio Science Bulletin Volume 2020 Issue 372 pp. 22 - 28
published_at 2020-10-26
The power transmission effi ciency of a resonatorcoupled wireless power transfer (RC-WPT) system with some angular misalignments is examined in this paper. In addition to conventional single-spiral resonators, the dual-spiral resonators which we have proposed are used in the RC-WPT system. It was confi rmed that the power transmission effi ciency of the RC-WPT system decreased with the increment of angular misalignments. However, it was shown that the decayed power transmission efficiency due to the angular misalignments could be recovered by adding the appropriate axial displac ements between transmitting (Tx) and receiving (Rx) units.
Creators : Nur Syafiera Azreen Norodin Hotta Masashi Publishers : Union Radio-Scientifique Internationale
IEICE transactions on electronics Volume E105.C Issue 3 pp. 110 - 117
published_at 2022-03-01
To realize a stable and efficient wireless power transfer (WPT) system that can be used in any environment, it is necessary to inspect the influence of environmental interference along the power transmission path of the WPT system. In this paper, attempts have been made to reduce the influence of the medium with a dielectric and conductive loss on the WPT system using spiral resonators for resonator-coupled type wireless power transfer (RC-WPT) system. An important element of the RC-WPT system is the resonators because they improve resonant characteristics by changing the shape or combination of spiral resonators to confine the electric field that mainly causes electrical loss in the system as much as possible inside the resonator. We proposed a novel dual-spiral resonator as a candidate and compared the basic characteristics of the RC-WPT system with conventional single-spiral and dual-spiral resonators. The parametric values of the spiral resonators, such as the quality factors and the coupling coefficients between resonators with and without a lossy medium in the power transmission path, were examined. For the lossy mediums, pure water or tap water filled with acryl bases was used. The maximum transmission efficiency of the RC-WPT system was then observed by tuning the matching condition of the system. Following that, the transmission efficiency of the system with and without lossy medium was investigated. These inspections revealed that the performance of the RC-WPT system with the lossy medium using the modified shape spiral resonator, which is the dual-spiral resonator proposed in our laboratory, outperformed the system using the conventional single-spiral resonator.
Creators : Norodin Nur Syafiera Azreen Nakamura Kousuke Hotta Masashi Publishers : The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
Proceedings of the IEEE Hiroshima Student Symposium Issue B-3 pp. 326 - 329
published_at 2012-11-17
Creators : Haruyama Takayuki Yuki Tohru Hotta Masashi Hano Mitsuo Awai Ikuo Publishers : The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Proceedings of 2008 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference Issue J6-1 pp. 1 - 4
published_at 2008-12
Creators : Hotta Masashi Ogawa Ryota Murai Wataru Hano Mitsuo Publishers : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
IEEE広島支部学生シンポジウム予稿集 Volume 12 pp. (C)-25 -
published_at 2010
Creators : Saito Hironori Hotta Masashi Hano Mitsuo Publishers : IEEE広島支部
IEEE広島支部学生シンポジウム予稿集 Volume 12 pp. (C)-27 -
published_at 2010
Creators : Tara Shintaro Sakata Toshiyuki Hotta Masashi Hano Mitsuo Publishers : IEEE広島支部
the transactions of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers. B Volume 96 Issue 11 pp. 1284 - 1293
published_at 2013-11-01
Creators : Awai Ikuo Sawahara Yuichi Yamaguchi Kazuya Hotta Masashi Ishizaki Toshio Publishers : 電子情報通信学会
Japanese Journal of the Institute of Industrial Applications Engineers Volume 2 Issue 2 pp. 23 - 31
published_at 2014-09-15
Creators : Hotta Masashi Nobu Akinori Haruyama Takayuki Yuki Tohru Hano Mitsuo Publishers : 産業応用工学会
Proceedings of the IEEE Hiroshima Student Symposium Issue B-3 pp. 220 - 223
published_at 2011-11
Creators : Yuki Tohru Hotta Masashi Hano Mitsuo Awai Ikuo Publishers : The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Proceedings of the IEEE Hiroshima Student Symposium Issue A-1 pp. 3 - 5
published_at 2013-11
Creators : Etoh Satoru Hotta Masashi Hano Mitsuo Publishers : The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Proceedings of the IEEE Hiroshima Student Symposium Issue B-17
published_at 2014-11
Creators : Harada Koki Hotta Masashi Hano Mitsuo Publishers : The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
IEICE transactions on electronics Volume E93-C Issue 1 pp. 81 - 84
published_at 2010-01
Creators : Hotta Masashi Ogawa Ryota Hano Mitsuo Publishers : 電子情報通信学会
Proceedings of the IEEE Hiroshima Student Symposium Volume A1-11 pp. 33 - 37
published_at 2019-11
Creators : Sallehuddin Nor Iman Mehdi Wan Hotta Masashi Publishers : The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Proceedings of the IEEE Hiroshima Student Symposium Volume B1-10 pp. 294 - 297
published_at 2019-11
Creators : Duan Xianyi Norodin Nur Syafiera Azreen Binti Sakata Akifumi Hotta Masashi Publishers : The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Energies Volume 14 Issue 7253
published_at 2021-11-03
Wireless power transfer (WPT) systems have attracted considerable attention in relation to providing a reliable and convenient power supply. Among the challenges in this area are maintaining the performance of the WPT system with the presence of a human body and minimizing the induced physical quantities in the human body. This study proposes a magnetic resonant coupling WPT (MRC-WPT) system that utilizes a resonator with a grounded loop to mitigate its interaction with a human body and achieve a high-efficiency power transfer at a short range. Our proposed system is based on a grounded loop to reduce the leakage of the electric field, resulting in less interaction with the human body. As a result, a transmission efficiency higher than 70% is achieved at a transmission distance of approximately 25 cm. Under the maximum-efficiency conditions of the WPT system, the use of a resonator with a grounded loop reduces the induced electric field, the peak spatial-average specific absorption rate (psSAR), and the whole-body averaged SAR by 43.6%, 69.7%, and 65.6%, respectively. The maximum permissible input power values for the proposed WPT systems are 40 and 33.5 kW, as prescribed in the International Commission of Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) guidelines to comply with the limits for local and whole-body average SAR.
Creators : Duan Xianyi Lan Junqing Diao Yinliang Gomez-Tames Jose Hirayama Hiroshi Hotta Masashi Fischer George Hirata Akimasa Publishers : MDPI AG
IEEE広島支部学生シンポジウム予稿集 Volume 9 pp. A22 -
published_at 2007
Creators : Murai Wataru Ogawa Ryota Hotta Masashi Hano Mitsuo Publishers : IEEE広島支部
IEEE広島支部学生シンポジウム予稿集 Volume 10 pp. 86 - 89
published_at 2008
Creators : Katayama Naoki Une Nozomi Kawano Shingo Hotta Masashi Hano Mitsuo Publishers : IEEE広島支部
IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium digest Volume 1998 Issue 2 pp. 797 - 800
published_at 1998
Creators : Hotta Masashi Qian Yongxi Itoh Tatsuo Publishers : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
2002 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference Proceedings, November 19-22, 2002, Kyoto International Conference Hall Volume 1 pp. 567 - 560
published_at 2002
Creators : Hotta Masashi Karita Ai Nakayama Shiro Kohno Atsushi Hano Mitsuo Publishers : Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
2003 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference Proceedings, 2002, Seoul Volume 3 pp. 1696 - 1699
published_at 2003
Creators : Hotta Masashi Moriyama Kouji Hano Mitsuo Publishers : Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
European Microwave Conference, conference proceedings Volume 34th Issue 1 pp. 439 - 442
published_at 2004-10
Creators : Hotta Masashi Hano Mitsuo Awai Ikuo Publishers : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
European Microwave Conference, conference proceedings Volume 36th pp. 1007 - 1010
published_at 2006-09
Creators : Hotta Masashi Hano Mitsuo Awai Ikuo Publishers : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
IEICE transactions on electronics Volume E89-C Issue 9 pp. 1283 - 1290
published_at 2006-09
Creators : Hotta Masashi Hano Mitsuo Awai Ikuo Publishers : 電子情報通信学会
The transactions of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers Volume J74-C1 Issue 10 pp. 375 - 378
published_at 1991-10
Creators : Hotta Masashi Geshiro Masahiro Sawa Shinnosuke Publishers : 電子情報通信学会
IEEE transactions on microwave theory and techniques Volume 42 Issue 7, pt.1-2 pp. 1167 - 1171
published_at 1994
Creators : Hotta Masashi Geshiro Masahiro Arashiba Tomoyuki Sawa Shinnosuke Publishers : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
IEEE transactions on microwave theory and techniques Volume 47 Issue 8 pp. 1585 - 1587
published_at 1999-08
Creators : Hotta Masashi Qian Yongxi Itoh Tatsuo Publishers : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers