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Asia-Pacific Cooperation in the Bud : Miki Initiative and Its Significance

Asian economic review Volume 82 Issue 1-2 Page 97-115
published_at 2024-01-31
東亜経済研究82(1-2) -007 .pdf
[fulltext] 1.4 MB
アジア太平洋協力の萌芽 : 三木構想とその意義
Asia-Pacific Cooperation in the Bud : Miki Initiative and Its Significance
Creators Yashiro Taku
Affiliate Master Yamaguchi University
[kakenhi]15501 grid.268397.1
Source Identifiers [PISSN] 0911-6303 [NCID] AN00155911
Languages jpn
Resource Type departmental bulletin paper
Publishers The TOA-KEIZAI Gakkai, Yamaguchi University
Date Issued 2024-01-31
File Version Version of Record
Access Rights open access
Funding Refs
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science [crossref_funder]
Award 国交正常化過程における民間企業の役割:戦後日本の企業とアジア国際社会 19K13628