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山口医学 Volume 26 Issue 3
published_at 1977-12

Studies on the Specimen Preparation Methods for Scanning. Electron Microscoy PartIII. Drying Method of Microbial and Free Cell Materials 2. A contrivance in Critical Point Drying : Utilization of the Small Envelope of Filter Paper.

走査電子顕微鏡標本調整法の研究 特に微生物領域における研究 第III編 試料の乾燥法について 第2報 臨界点乾燥法(Critical Point Drying)における一工夫 : 濾紙小封筒の利用
Yoshii Zensaku
Konishi Hisanori
Okusa Akio
Takamura Akira
Kobayashi Masaru
Iwasaki Akira
A new idea was introduced into the specimen preparation method of microbial or free cell materials for scanning electron microscopy. Utilization of the small envelope of filter paper, including glass piece of aluminum foil, to the critical point drying method was very useful for simplification of technical procedures and effective drying of samples. Dehydration by passing the materials through graded concentrations of acetone was emphasized. This simpler procedure was possible to diminish the double treatments, passing of ethanol dehydration and replacing of amyl acetate. The direct replacement of samples from acetons to liquid carbon dioxide in the chamber was possible and… more convenient. The inside wall of small envelope is usually abundant with attached sampels, so that a piece of envelope is possible to utilize for specium preparation in addition to the included glass or aluminum foil.