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Jiang Zhongwei

Affiliate Master Yamaguchi University

Publish Date (<span class="translation_missing" title="translation missing: en.view.asc">Asc</span>)
Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. C Volume 72 Issue 714 pp. 506 - 513
published_at 2006
Creators : Jiang Zhongwei Li Fenlan Miura Daisuke Publishers : 日本機械学会
JSME international journal. Series C, Mechanical systems, machine elements and manufacturing Volume 49 Issue 2 pp. 480 - 487
published_at 2006
Creators : Jiang Zhongwei Arabshahi Sayyed Alireza Watanabe Tetsuyou Publishers : 日本機械学会
Creators : 江 鐘偉 Publishers : 山口大学ベンチャービジネスラボラトリー
Creators : 江 鐘偉 Publishers : 山口大学ベンチャービジネスラボラトリー
Creators : 江 鐘偉 Publishers : 山口大学ベンチャービジネスラボラトリー
Nonlinear phenomena in electromagnetic fields Volume 3 Issue suppl. pp. 565 - 568
published_at 1992
Creators : Chonan S. Jiang Z. W. Takahashi K. Publishers : Elsevier
The International journal of robotics research Volume 11 Issue 3 pp. 260 - 267
published_at 1992
Creators : Jiang Z. W. Chonan S. Tani J. Publishers : MIT Press
Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. C Volume 58 Issue 556 pp. 3681 - 3688
published_at 1992-12
Creators : Jiang Zhong-wei Takashima Kazu Chonan Seiji Publishers : 日本機械学会
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics & Automation pp. 1025 - 1032
published_at 2005
Creators : Watanabe Tetsuyou Harada Kensuke Jiang Zhongwei Yoshikawa Tsuneo Publishers : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics & Automation pp. 661 - 668
published_at 2006
Creators : Watanabe Tetsuyou Jiang Zhongwei Publishers : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) pp. 3357 - 3362
published_at 2004
Creators : Watanabe Tetsuyou Fujino Nobuhiro Jiang Zhongwei Publishers : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Proceedings of the International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems pp. 875 - 878
published_at 2001
Creators : Jiang Zhongwei Yamada Kazuhiro Fujii Takashi Matsuzaki Masunori
Proceedings of the International Conference on Mechatronics and Information Technology Volume 76SS pp. 283 - 286
published_at 2001
Creators : Jiang Zhongwei Takeuchi Yasutaka
Proceedings of the International Conference on Mechatronics and Information Technology Volume 75BM pp. 181 - 184
published_at 2001
Creators : Jiang Zhongwei Yamada Kazuhiro Kim Il Hwan Fujii Takashi Shimizu Seiji Matsuzaki Masunori
Proceedings of the International Conference on Mechatronics and Information Technology Volume 28BM pp. 101 - 105
published_at 2001
Creators : Liu Shengping Wei Yunlong Jiang Zhongwei Tien H. Ti Ottova A.
Proceedings of International Conference on Mechatronics and Information Technology (Yamaguchi,Japan,13-15 December 2001) No.76SS Volume 76SS pp. 185 - 188
published_at 2001
Creators : Kawamura Takeo Matsumoto Tsuneo Miura Gouji Tanaka Nobuyuki Awaya Hitomi Emoto Takuya Matsunaga Naofumi Kido Shoji Yokoyama Kenjiro Yonezawa Shinji Jiang Zhongwei
ICCAS 2002 : International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems pp. 1497 - 1502
published_at 2002
Creators : Jiang Zhongwei Takeuchi Yasutaka Publishers : Institute of Control, Automation and Systems Engineers
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics Volume 11th pp. 446 - 447
published_at 2003
Creators : Morisaki Tetsuya Jiang Zhongwei Nakamitsu Shinji Publishers : IOS Press
Proceedings of the JSME-IIP/ASME-ISPS Joint Conference on Micromechatronics for Information and Precision Equipment Volume P-MB-06 pp. 379 - 380
published_at 2003
Creators : Jiang Zhongwei Liu Zihe Suzuki Michiyasu Publishers : 日本機械学会 | American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Proceedings of the International Conference on Mechatronics and Information Technology Volume 2nd pp. 339 - 344
published_at 2006
Creators : Li Fenlan Jiang Zhongwei Publishers : IOS Press
Proceedings of the International Conference on Mechatronics and Information Technology pp. 345 - 350
published_at 2006
Creators : Choi Samjin Jiang Zhongwei Watanabe Tetsuyou Publishers : IOS Press
Proceedings of the Korean automatic control conference pp. 1441 - 1446
published_at 1991
Creators : Chonan S. Jiang Z. W. Takahashi K. Publishers : 韓国自動制御学術会議
Proceedings of the Korean automatic control conference pp. 202 - 207
published_at 1993
Creators : Jiang Z. W. Chonan S. Koseki M. Chung T. J. Publishers : 韓国自動制御学術会議
Proceedings of the Joint ASME/JSME Conference on Electronic Packaging pp. 521 - 528
published_at 1992
Creators : Chonan S. Jiang Z. W. Takashima K. Publishers : American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Proceedings of the First Japan-CIS joint seminar on electromagnetomechanics in structures Volume 1st pp. 38 - 41
published_at 1992
Creators : Chonan S. Jiang Z. W. Sato H. Publishers : Japan Society of Applied Electromagnetics
武漢理工大学学報 Volume 28 Issue suppl. pp. 79 - 84
published_at 2006
Creators : Jiang Zhongwei Li Fenlan Kawashima Kazuo Publishers : 武漢理工大学
Transactions of the ASME. Series G, Journal of dynamic systems, measurement and control Volume 113 Issue 2 pp. 327 - 329
published_at 1991-06
Creators : Jiang Z. W. Chonan S. Abe H. Tani J. Publishers : American Society of Mechanical Engineers
設計製図 Volume 26 Issue 11 pp. 551 - 556
published_at 1991-11
Creators : Chonan Seiji Sato Hidehiro Jiang Zhongwei Publishers : 日本設計工学会
Transactions of the ASME. Journal of vibration and acoustics Volume 114 Issue 2 pp. 283 - 286
published_at 1992-04
Creators : Chonan S. Jiang Z. W. Shyu Y. J. Publishers : American Society of Mechanical Engineers
International journal of applied electromagnetics in materials Volume 2 Issue suppl. pp. 23 - 26
published_at 1992
Creators : Jiang Z. W. Sakuma S. Chonan S. Tani J. Publishers : Elsevier
Proceedings of Smart Materials for Engineering and Biomedical Applications pp. 309 - 316
published_at 2004
Creators : Li Fenlan Jiang Zhongwei
Proceedings of KSEEE pp. 112 - 122
published_at 1998
Creators : Tanaka Mami Chonan Seiji Jiang Zhongwei Nakajima Hideki Publishers : Kenya Society of Electrical and Electronc Engineers | Japan Society of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics
Proceedings of the Polish-Japanese joint seminar on electromagnetics in science and technology Volume 5th pp. 92 - 95
published_at 1997
Creators : Chonan S. Jiang Z. W. Tanaka M. Suga Y. Tanahashi Y.
Journal of technical physics Volume 39 Issue 3-4 pp. 397 - 409
published_at 1998
Creators : Chonan S. Jiang Z. W. Tanaka M. Suga Y. Tanahashi Y. Publishers : Pa?stwowe Wydawn. Naukowe
Non-linear electromagnetic systems pp. 289 - 292
published_at 1998
Creators : Tanaka Mami Chonan Seiji Jiang Zhong-Wei Hikita Tomohiro Publishers : IOS Press | オーム社
Non-linear electromagnetic systems pp. 847 - 850
published_at 1996
Creators : Chonan S. Jiang Z. W. Sato M. Publishers : IOS Press | オーム社
日本応用磁気学会研究会資料 Volume 第117回 pp. 9 - 16
published_at 2000-12-22
Creators : Jiang Zhongwei Publishers : 日本応用磁気学会
Proceedings of SPIE Volume 3668 Issue 1 pp. 343 - 350
published_at 1999
Creators : Jiang Zhongwei Kabeya Kazuhisa Chonan Seiji Publishers : The International Society for Optical Engineering
Proceedings of the International Workshop on Advanced Mechatronics Volume 3rd pp. 218 - 223
published_at 1999
Creators : Jiang Zhongwei Chonan Seiji Tanahashi Yoshikatu Tanaka Mami Kato Takuji
Proceedings of the International Workshop on Advanced Mechatronics Volume 3rd pp. 208 - 213
published_at 1999
Creators : Tanaka M. Hirano K. Goto H. Namima T. Uchi K. Jiang Z. W. Matsuki H. Tanahashi Y. Orikasa S. Chonan S.
Proceedings of the international symposium on artificial life and robotics pp. 50 - 53
published_at 2000
Creators : Jiang Zhongwei Chonan Seiji Namiki Yoshihiro
Proceedings of SPIE - the International Society for Optical Engineering Volume 6041 pp. 604131-1 - 604131-6
published_at 2005
Creators : Zhang Zhiwen Jiang Zhongwei Morisaki Tetsuya Publishers : SPIE
Program and Extended Abstracts of JSME-IIP/ASME-ISPS Joint Conference on Micromechatronics for Information and Precision Equipment
published_at 2006
Creators : Morita Minoru Jiang Zhongwei Watanabe Tetsuyou Chijimatsu Naoki Lei Gang Publishers : 日本機械学会 | American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Expert systems with applications Volume 31 Issue 2 pp. 286 - 298
published_at 2006
Creators : Jiang Zhongwei Choi Samjin Publishers : Elsevier
Expert systems with applications Volume 34 Issue 2 pp. 1056 - 1069
published_at 2008
Creators : Choi Samjin Jiang Zhongwei Publishers : Elsevier
Journal of the Japan Society of Applied Electromagnetics Volume 14 Issue 3 pp. 333 - 338
published_at 2006-09-10
Creators : Arabshahi Sayyed Alireza Jiang Zhongwei Watanabe Tetsuyou Publishers : 日本AEM学会
Proceedings of the International Conference on Mechatronics and Information Technology pp. 351 - 355
published_at 2006
Creators : Morisaki Tetsuya Jiang Zhongwei Publishers : IOS Press
Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Applications of Ferroelectrics Volume 16th pp. 734 - 737
published_at 2007
Creators : Abdollahi Amir Jiang Zhongwei Arabshahi Sayyed Alireza Publishers : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. C Volume 56 Issue 522 pp. 416 - 423
published_at 1990-02
Creators : Jiang Zhongwei Chonan Seiji Tani Junji Publishers : 日本機械学会
Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. C Volume 56 Issue 532 pp. 3346 - 3353
published_at 1990-12
Creators : Shyu Yuhjung Jiang Zhongwei Chonan Seiji Publishers : 日本機械学会
Proceedings of the International Conference on Vibration Engineering Volume 2 pp. 662 - 667
published_at 1998
Creators : Jiang Zhongwei Chonan Seiji Tanahashi Yoshikatsu Tanaka Mami Kamei Masatomo Publishers : Northeastern University Press
Proceedings of the International Conference on Vibration Engineering pp. 693 - 697
published_at 1998
Creators : Feng Gao Jiang Zhongwei Li Yinong Chonan Seiji Wang Dejun Publishers : Northeastern University Press
Proceedings of the International Conference on Vibration Engineering pp. 488 - 491
published_at 1998
Creators : Li Yinong Wen Bangchun Jiang Zhongwei Chonan Seiji Feng Gao Publishers : Northeastern University Press
Proceedings of the International Conference on Vibration Engineering pp. 476 - 481
published_at 1998
Creators : Li Yinong Jiang Zhongwei Chonan Seiji Feng Gao Bangchun Wen Publishers : Northeastern University Press
Technical digest of the sensor symposium Volume 16th pp. 55 - 58
published_at 1998
Creators : Funai Katsuyoshi Jiang Zhongwei Tanaka Mami Chonan Seiji Publishers : The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan
Proceedings of the International Conference on Motion and Vibration Control Volume 1 pp. 165 - 170
published_at 1998
Creators : Tanaka Mami Chonan Seiji Jiang Zhong-wei
Proceedings of the International Conference on Motion and Vibration Control Volume 1 pp. 207 - 212
published_at 1998
Creators : Kabeya Kazuhisa Jiang Zhongwei Cudney Harley H.
Proceedings of the European Conference on Smart Structures and Materials Volume 4th pp. 78 - 79
published_at 1998
Creators : Jiang Zhongwei Funai Katsuyoshi Tanaka Mami Chonan Seiji Publishers : Institute of Physics
Proceedings of the International Conference on Mechatronics and Information Technology pp. 356 - 361
published_at 2006
Creators : Jiang Zhongwei Morita Minoru Watanabe Tetsuyou Kato Shoichi Suzuki Michiyasu Publishers : IOS Press
Proceedings of the International Workshop on Medical IT pp. 83 - 96
published_at 2005
Creators : Jiang Zhongwei Choi Samjin
Proceedings of the International Conference on Complex Medical Engineering Volume 1st pp. 173 - 178
published_at 2005
Creators : Jiang Z. W. Li F. L Miura D. Yamakawa T. Higa M. Publishers : Institute of Complex Medical Engineering
Proceedings of the International Conference on Complex Medical Engineering Volume 1st pp. 122 - 127
published_at 2005
Creators : Arabshahi Sayyed Alireza Jiang Z. W. Publishers : Institute of Complex Medical Engineering
Proceedings of the International Conference on Instrumentation, Control and Information Technology pp. 3771 - 3776
published_at 2005
Creators : Choi Samjin Jiang Zhongwei Publishers : The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers
Proceedings of the International Conference on Instrumentation, Control and Information Technology pp. 3475 - 3480
published_at 2005
Creators : Han Q. K. Wang L. Nie X. Wen B. C. Jiang Zhongwei Publishers : The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers
Proceedings of SPIE - the International Society for Optical Engineering Volume 6040 pp. 6040N-1 - 6040N-6
published_at 2005
Creators : Li Fenlan Jiang Zhongwei Publishers : SPIE
Proceedings of SPIE - the International Society for Optical Engineering Volume 6040 pp. 60401Y-1 - 60401Y-6
published_at 2005
Creators : Ban Yunho Choi Samjin Jiang Zhongwei Park Chanwon Publishers : SPIE
Proceedings of SPIE - the International Society for Optical Engineering Volume 6041 pp. 60411F-1 - 60411F-6
published_at 2005
Creators : Chen Guoming Wei Yunlong Jiang Zhongwei Luo Yafang Publishers : SPIE
Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) pp. 5682 - 5687
published_at 2006
Creators : Watanabe Tetsuyou Harada Kensuke Yoshikawa Tsuneo Jiang Zhongwei Publishers : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. C Volume 58 Issue 548 pp. 1105 - 1111
published_at 1992-04
Creators : Chonan Seiji Jiang Zhongwei Takashima Kazu Publishers : 日本機械学会
Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. C Volume 58 Issue 548 pp. 1120 - 1127
published_at 1992-04
Creators : Jiang Zhongwei Chonan Seiji Publishers : 日本機械学会
Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Mechatronics pp. 325 - 330
published_at 1989
Creators : Jiang Z. W. Chonan S. Publishers : 日本機械学会
Proceedings the international conference on motion and vibration control Volume 3rd pp. 238 - 243
published_at 1996
Creators : Masui K. Chonan S. Jiang Z. W. Publishers : 日本機械学会
Proceedings of the International Conference on Vibration Problems in Engineering pp. 787 - 792
published_at 1986
Creators : Jiang Z. W. Chonan S. Abe H. Publishers : Xi'an Jiaotong University Press
Proceedings of international conference on mechanical dynamics pp. 338 - 343
published_at 1987
Creators : Jiang Z. W. Chonan S. Abe H. Publishers : Notheast University of Technology
Sensors and actuators. A, Physical Volume 128 Issue 2 pp. 317 - 326
published_at 2006-04-19
Creators : Choi Samjin Jiang Zhongwei Publishers : Elsevier
Journal of intelligent material systems and structures Volume 17 Issue 8-9 pp. 823 - 830
published_at 2006-08
Creators : Li Fenlan Jiang Zhongwei Publishers : SAGE
International journal of applied electromagnetics and mechanics Volume 24 Issue 3-4 pp. 225 - 234
published_at 2006
Creators : Jiang Zhongwei Morita Minoru Watanabe Tetsuyou Kato Shoichi Suzuki Michiyasu Publishers : IOS Press
Smart materials & structures Volume 16 Issue 3 pp. 858 - 865
published_at 2007-06
Creators : Li Fenlan Jiang Zhongwei Publishers : Institute of Physics
日本ロボット学会誌 Volume 24 Issue 1 pp. 131 - 139
published_at 2006-01-15
Creators : Watanabe Tetsuyou Harada Kensuke Jiang Zhongwei Yoshikawa Tsuneo Publishers : 日本ロボット学会
Shock and vibration Volume 7 Issue 2 pp. 67 - 79
published_at 2000
Creators : Jiang Zhongwei Chonan Seiji Tanahashi Yoshikatu Tanaka Mami Kato Takuji Publishers : John Wiley & Sons
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics & Automation Volume 2 pp. 1252 - 1257
published_at 2004
Creators : Watanabe Tetsuyou Jiang Zhongwei Yoshikawa Tsuneo Publishers : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Proceedings of the International Conference on Motion and Vibration Control pp. 443 - 448
published_at 1992
Creators : Chonan Seiji Jiang Zhong-wei Yuki Yasuhiro Publishers : 日本機械学会
Proceedings of the Asia-Pacific Vibration Conference Volume 2 pp. 1227 - 1232
published_at 1993
Creators : Chonan Seiji Masui Keijiro Jiang Zhong-wei
Proceedings of the International Conference on Adaptive Structures Volume 5th pp. 655 - 663
published_at 1994-12
Creators : Chonan S. Jiang Z. W. Zheng W. W. Publishers : Technomic
Proceedings of the International Conference on Motion and Vibration Control Volume 2nd pp. 52 - 57
published_at 1994
Creators : Masui Keijiro Chonan Seiji Jiang Zhong-wei Publishers : 日本機械学会
Proceedings of the Asia-Pacific Conference on Control and Measurement Volume 2nd pp. 306 - 310
published_at 1995
Creators : Jiang Zhongwei Chonan Seiji Publishers : China Aviation Industry Press
The Kenya-Japan joint conference, the KSEEE International Conference on Innovative Technology in Electrical Engineering for Sustainable Development Volume 1st
published_at 1995
Creators : Chonan S. Jiang Z. W. Koseki M. Publishers : Kenya Society of Electrical and Electronc Engineers | Japan Society of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics
Abstracts of the international symposium non-linear electromagnetic systems pp. F-06 -
published_at 1995
Creators : Chonan S. Jiang Z. W. Publishers : IOS Press
Proceedings of the International Conference on Adaptive Structures Volume 6th pp. 76 - 86
published_at 1996
Creators : Chonan Seiji Jiang Zhongwei Yamamoto Takashi Publishers : Technomic
Proceedings of the International Conference on Adaptive Structures Volume 6th pp. 243 - 252
published_at 1996
Creators : Jiang Zhongwei Chonan Seiji Yamamoto Takashi Publishers : Technomic
Proceedings of the international symposium on microsystems, intelligent materials and robots pp. 366 - 369
published_at 1995
Creators : Tanaka M. Jiang Z. W. Chonan S.
Proceedings of international workshop on advanced mechatronics pp. 168 - 175
published_at 1995
Creators : Chonan S. Jiang Z. W. Publishers : Korea-Japan joint advanced mechatronics research association
Proceedings of international workshop on advanced mechatronics pp. 231 - 236
published_at 1995
Creators : Jiang Z. W. Chonan S. Publishers : Korea-Japan joint advanced mechatronics research association
Proceedings of international workshop on advanced mechatronics pp. 237 - 241
published_at 1995
Creators : Tanaka M. Jiang Z. W. Chonan S. Publishers : Korea-Japan joint advanced mechatronics research association
Proceeding of the Russian-Japanese Joint Seminar, The Physiscs and Modeling of Intelligent Materials pp. 221 - 228
published_at 1996
Creators : Chonan S. Jiang Z. W. Tani T. Orikasa S. Tanahashi Y. Takagi T. Tanaka M. Tanikawa J.
Proceedings of the KACC Volume 11th pp. 24 - 27
published_at 1996
Creators : Kim Young-Chul Chonan Seiji Jiang Zhongwei
Proceeding of the Asian Control Conference Volume 3 pp. 179 - 182
published_at 1997
Creators : Chonan Seiji Jiang Zhongwei Tani Junji Orikasa Seiichi Tanaka Mami Tanikawa Jun Tanahashi Yoshikatsu Publishers : Steering Committee of Asian Control Conference
Proceeding of the Asian Control Conference Volume 3 pp. 183 - 185
published_at 1997
Creators : Chonan Seiji Jiang Zhongwei Tanaka Mami Suga Yosuke Tanahashi Yoshikatsu Publishers : Steering Committee of Asian Control Conference
Structural health monitoring : current status and perspectives : proceedings of the International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring pp. 624 - 635
published_at 1997
Creators : Jiang Z. Chonan S. Kawashima K. Muto K. Ichihara W. Publishers : Technomic