A study on tourism waste in china: a case study of ancient town of fenghuang, hunan
山口経済学雑誌 Volume 69 Issue 5
Page 73-108
published_at 2021-01-31
中国の観光廃棄物に関する研究 : 湖南・鳳凰古城を事例に
A study on tourism waste in china: a case study of ancient town of fenghuang, hunan
Wang Ying-yin
Source Identifiers
Creator Keywords
sustainable tourism
environmental awareness
environmental behavior
tourism waste
Ancient Town of Fenghuang
In the natural and living environment of tourist destinations, the environmental actions of tourists affect other tourists and local residents without having to go through the market, and externality. In other words, the private cost of an environmental action of a tourist is a disparity between social costs. To correct external effects and promote sustainable development, it is common to be involved in economic measures such as environmental (tourism) taxes or levies. In this paper, we would like to focus on the issue of tourism waste by surveying tourists at the Ancient Town of Fenghuang, and to clarify the environmental awareness and environmental behavior of tourists. In this paper, we analyze environmental awareness (including environmental knowledge, environmental concern, environmental evaluation, and environmental attitude) and the current state of environmental behavior to the waste problem of tourists in the Ancient Town of Fenghuang in Hunan Province, China. We aim to examine the correlation between environmental awareness and environmental behavior of tourists on waste problems, and how much environmental awareness affects environmental behavior.
Resource Type
departmental bulletin paper
Date Issued
File Version
Not Applicable (or Unknown)
Access Rights
open access