- 著者一覧
- Chikahisa Hiroshi
Chikahisa Hiroshi
Affiliate Master
Yamaguchi University
Date Issued (<span class="translation_missing" title="translation missing: en.view.desc">Desc</span>)
地盤の環境・計測技術に関するシンポジウム論文集 Volume 2010
published_at 2010-11-12
Creators :
Chikahisa Hiroshi
Taguchi Takeshi
Fujii Noritsugu
Wada Makoto
Kawamura Shiro
Kawamura Shigeyuki
Publishers : 地盤工学会関西支部
Proceedings of the European Rock Mechanics Symposium Volume 2010
pp. 849 - 852
published_at 2010
土木学会論文集 Volume 777
pp. 139 - 147
published_at 2004-12
Contribution of rock mechanics to the new century : proceedings of the ISRM International Symposium : Third Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium
pp. 223 - 228
published_at 2004
Contribution of rock mechanics to the new century : proceedings of the ISRM International Symposium : Third Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium
pp. 617 - 622
published_at 2004
土と基礎 Volume 52 Issue 6
pp. 16 - 18
published_at 2004
Contribution of rock mechanics to the new century : proceedings of the ISRM International Symposium : Third Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium
pp. 573 - 578
published_at 2004
地下水学会誌 Volume 45 Issue 1
pp. 41 - 48
published_at 2003
Journal of structural engineering. A Volume 48 Issue 3
pp. 1469 - 1478
published_at 2002-03
Creators :
Kobayashi Kaoru
Matsumoto Kazunobu
Tsutsui Masayuki
Kumagai Kouki
Chikahisa Hiroshi
Publishers : 土木学会
Proceedings of the Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Rock Engineering Volume 3
pp. 345 - 352
published_at 2002
Creators :
Chikahisa Hiroshi
Matsumoto Kazunobu
Tsutsui Masayuki
Ohnishi Yuzo
Publishers : Korean Institute of Mineral and Energy Resources Engineers
Proceedings of the European Rock Mechanics Symposium Volume 2001
pp. 47 - 52
published_at 2001