
Tsuneoka Hidehiro

Affiliate Master Yamaguchi University

Temperature- and time-dependent changes in TLR2-activated microglial NF-κB activity and concentrations of inflammatory and anti-inflammatory factors

Intensive care medicine
published_at 2012-06-01
Temperature- and time-dependent changes in TLR2-activated microglial NF-κB activity and concentrations of inflammatory and anti-inflammatory factors
Creators Matsui Tomohiro
Creators Tasaki Moe
Creators Yoshioka Takahiro
Creators Motoki Yukari
Creators Tsuneoka Hidehiro
Creators Nojima Junzo
Creator Keywords
Cytokines Hyperthermia Hypothermia Microglia Nuclear factor-κB Toll-like receptor 2
Languages eng
Resource Type journal article
Publishers Springer
Date Issued 2012-06-01
File Version Not Applicable (or Unknown)
Access Rights metadata only access
[isVersionOf] [URI]http://link.springer.de/link/service/journals/00134/index.htm
Schools 大学院医学系研究科(医学)