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Murata Hidekazu

Affiliate Master Yamaguchi University

Prediction of stress-strain behaviour of undisturbed ”masado”

Technology reports of the Yamaguchi University Volume 4 Issue 2 Page 161-170
published_at 1988-12
[fulltext] 559 KB
Prediction of stress-strain behaviour of undisturbed ”masado”
Creators Murata Hidekazu
Creators Hyodo Masayuki
Creators Yasufuku Noriyuki
Source Identifiers
In order to evaluate the stress-strain behaviours of undisturbed ”Masado” which is one of unusual soils in Japan because of its collapsibility, the mechanical properties are investigated on the basis of the triaxial test results and the isotropic elastoplastic constitutive model for ”Masado” is presented. The proposed model contains eight parameters which are easily determined from a few conventional triaxial tests. It is proved that the proposed model can reasonably evaluate the depedency of the stress-dilatancy and strength properties of undisturbed ”Masado” on the confining pressure and the degrees of weathering.
工学 ( Other)
Languages eng
Resource Type departmental bulletin paper
Publishers 山口大学工学部
Date Issued 1988-12
File Version Version of Record
Access Rights open access
Schools 工学部