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Miike Hidetoshi

Affiliate Master Yamaguchi University

Poles for increasing the sensibility of vertical gradient in a downhill road

Proceedings of the International Conference on Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research KEER 2012 Page 232-238
published_at 2012-05-25
[fulltext] 3.35 MB
Poles for increasing the sensibility of vertical gradient in a downhill road
Creators Kakumori Shunsuke
Creators Osa Atsushi
Creators Matsuda Ken
Creators Miike Hidetoshi
Creator Keywords
road pole visual illusion excessive speed driving simulator
Languages eng
Resource Type conference paper
Publishers 日本感性工学会 Japanese Society of Kansei Engineering (JSKE)
Date Issued 2012-05-25
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Access Rights open access
Schools 大学院理工学研究科(工学)