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Nakazono Mahito

Affiliate Master Yamaguchi University

Effectiveness of computer graphic animation for the landscape design of highway

Technology reports of the Yamaguchi University Volume 5 Issue 4 Page 183-197
published_at 1995-12
[fulltext] 1.28 MB
Effectiveness of computer graphic animation for the landscape design of highway
Creators Nakazono Mahito
Creators Inoue Yoshiyuki
Creators Tsurukubo Seiji
Creators Nakagawa Koji
Source Identifiers
This paper discusses about the evaluation of whole image of the road, similarity and effectiveness that receive it from the computer graphic animation and real running VTR of KANSAI airport highway by a psychological experiment of semantic differential method. We discussed about the effectiveness and main point of production of computer graphic animation as the tool that examines the inside landscape of highway. The results are as follows. About the whole image of CG animation, the evaluation of civil engineers is higher than it of general users. About the evaluation of similarity, civil engineer's evaluation is higher than it of general users in standard course. Evaluation of effectiveness is high generally in all groups. A correlation of evaluation of similarity and effectiveness is low, and the evaluation of effectiveness is higher than it of similarity. This reason is not only caused by the evaluation of similarity of structures and background but also evaluation of running reality. Level of production of background and structures at both sides of the road influence to evaluation of similarity for CG animation. In case of toll gate, the level of production of roof and sign influences to evaluation of similarity greatly. It is important to carry out sufficient examination in an advance about accuracy of production of structure and background by the object that examine the landscape design.
工学 ( Other)
Languages eng
Resource Type departmental bulletin paper
Publishers 山口大学工学部
Date Issued 1995-12
File Version Version of Record
Access Rights open access
Schools 工学部