
Miyoshi Tadaki

Affiliate Master Yamaguchi University

Luminescence and ESR studies of photodarkening in CdS-doped glasses

Journal of Luminescence Volume 72-74 Page 368-369
published_at 1997-06
[fulltext] 321 KB
Luminescence and ESR studies of photodarkening in CdS-doped glasses
Creators Miyoshi Tadaki
Creators Towata K.
Creators Matsuki H.
Creators Matsuo N.
Creator Keywords
Semiconductor Nanocrystal Luminescence ESR
Mechanisms of photodarkening effects have been investigated in CdS-doped glasses using time-resolved luminescence and electron spin resonance (ESR). Correlation between the ESR signal and the photodarkening effects was observed. Photoinduced centers responsible for the photodarkening are considered to be created in the interface between CdS nanocrystals and glass matrix.
Languages eng
Resource Type journal article
Publishers Elsevier
Date Issued 1997-06
File Version Author’s Original
Access Rights open access
[isVersionOf] [URI]http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/00222313
Schools 大学院理工学研究科(工学)