Taiwan's denuclearization process and energy supply plan
Yamaguchi journal of economics, business administrations & laws Volume 71 Issue 5-6
Page 285-318
published_at 2023-03-31
Taiwan's denuclearization process and energy supply plan
The Kuomintang (KMT) initiated nuclear power generation in Taiwan in the 1970s, resulting in three nuclear power plants being built. The debate over building a fourth nuclear power plant became a controversy that divided Taiwan before it was decided by the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) that all nuclear power plants, including existing ones, would be phased out by 2025. However, once nuclear power plant operations are terminated, developing alternative power sources and promoting energy conservation will become major issues. The Atomic Energy Council( AEC) is responsible for ensuring that Taiwan Power Company( Taipower) is compliant with the license conditions throughout the operating license period of the nuclear power plants. Furthermore, the AEC has earned public trust by fulfilling its responsibilities. Taiwan is currently promoting the conversion from nuclear to renewable energy and energy conservation measures with the end of nuclear power plant operations. This study outlines the political process involved in abolishing nuclear power plants and the plans for alternative power sources and energy conservation after nuclear power plants have been shut down.
Fujikawa Kiyoshi
Source Identifiers
[PISSN] 0513-1758
[NCID] AN00243258
Creator Keywords
energy supply
phase out
energy transition
Resource Type
departmental bulletin paper
The Economic Society of Yamaguchi University
Date Issued
File Version
Version of Record
Access Rights
embargoed access
Funding Refs
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Nuclear safety governance in East Asia based on nuclear risk analysis