Asian economic review

The TOA-KEIZAI Gakkai, Yamaguchi University

PISSN : 0911-6303
NCID : AN00155911

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1990年代後半, 単独での経済発展の限界を認識したシンガポールは, リージョナライゼーションに乗り出した。そして自国をアジアのハブとすべく「世界をシンガポールへ, シンガポールを世界へ」を打ち出した。このアジアのハブ構想ではヒトの移動が不可欠な要素であった。そこで, 本論は, ヒトの移動の観点から, リージョナライゼーションの時代におけるシンガポールの国家ブランディング戦略及びその戦略のなかでの人材活用の方策を明らかにしようと試みた。観光政策と人材政策から分析をすすめた結果, ヒトが集まるアジアのハブという国家ブランドを確立しようとしていたこと, そしてアジアのハブ構想のなかで国内の労働力だけでなく観光客や国外とのネットワークをつなぐ存在としての移民を活用してきたことを明らかにした。
Sakaguchi Kana
PP. 27 - 41
This paper examines : (1) the medical governance of infectious diseases in Taiwan based on the experience of infectious diseases and the background of medical governance reform, (2) the role of big data and digital technology in infectious disease control, (3) medical strategy and non-pharmaceutical intervention, and (4) socio-political viewpoints regarding the COVID-19 pandemic in Taiwan. It will be possible to confirm that Taiwan's non-pharmaceutical intervention strategies, including mask wearing, AHH practices, quarantine / quarantine, travel restrictions and the implementation of social distancing, are increasing the effectiveness of preventive measures during the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, the combination of extensive risk communication highlighting the importance of early border control, government leadership and preventive action has prevented Taiwan from locking down. These comprehensive preventive measures against COVID-19 in 2020 are more efficient and effective than those implemented during SARS in 2003, as well as immunoassay responses. In addition, democracy provided institutional support for vibrant civil society and synergies between state and civil society, strengthened the legitimacy of Taiwan's crisis governance, and enhanced voluntary compliance among citizens.
PP. 91 - 121