The philosophical studies of Yamaguchi University

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The philosophical studies of Yamaguchi University Volume 15
published_at 2008-03

Visual hermeneutics-problematics around iconology

視覚的解釈学 : イコノロジーを巡る諸問題
Okutsu Kiyoshi
10.6 MB
1) Ekphrasis and Hermeneia : 2) ”London allegory” as an example : 3) Panofsky not as an iconologist : It is difficult for us to make clear distinction between a description and interpretation of visual arts. In the case of iconology as one of the hermeneutics of an image we would be able to determine a border between the second and the third stage proposed by Roelof Van Straten. However it is pointed out by Gombrich that a special iconological interpretation in the third by Panofsky is dangerous as a science. We will examine the possibility and danger in Iconology through ”An Allegory with Venus and Cupid” executed by Bronzino as an example. We have to investigate the other methodology to interpret the visual arts or images in general to pursue not only ”what is represented?” but also ”how it is represented?” or ”how ot is hidden?”. Therefore, on the other hand, visual hermeneutics would be able to be the investigation of the hidden images. In the last passage we will introduce the not so famous writing ”Die sixtinische Decke” by Panofsky. He behaves there just as a structural analysist of the images, not as an iconologist. This passage is also a supplement for my unfinished study concerning ”Sistine Chapel ceiling paintings”.