Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture, Yamaguchi University

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Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture, Yamaguchi University Volume 39
published_at 1991-12

Effects of Rhizosphere Conditions on the Growth of Strawberry II. Effects of Soil Moisture, Soil Temperature and Mulch

イチゴの生育に及ぼす根圏環境の影響 II. 土壌水分, 地温, マルチの影響
Suzuki Yoshinori
Kusaka Tatsuro
Kheng John
Higashi Toshio
In order to establish the management technique for the environment of strawberry rhizosphere, soil moisture conditions were adjusted to three different levels, wet (40~43% WHC), standard (37~38% WHC) and dry(30~35% WHC), and soil temperatures were controlled by vinyl mulch and electric heating of soil. When the soil moisture was adjusted to PF 1.2~1.4(40~43% WHC) during 2 weeks before harvesting of fruits and then it was maintained at pF1.6~1.8(37~38% WHC) during the following period, it was observed that the higher yield with good quality of strawberry fruit was obtained constantly and efficiently.
Creator Keywords
vinyl mulch
soil temperature