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Hoshino Hiroshi

Affiliate Master Yamaguchi University

Challenges related to cooking practice of home economics for 5th grade elementary school students to overcome COVID-19

Bulletin of the Integrated Center for Education Research and Training Volume 52 Page 63-72
published_at 2021-10-01
[fulltext] 1.29 MB
困難を克服する小学校5年生の家庭科の調理実習に関する課題 : 新型コロナウイルス感染症への対応
Challenges related to cooking practice of home economics for 5th grade elementary school students to overcome COVID-19
Creators Morinaga Yae
Affiliate Master Yamaguchi University
[kakenhi]15501 grid.268397.1
Creators Shigeeda Takaaki
Affiliate Master Yamaguchi University
[kakenhi]15501 grid.268397.1
Creators Kawaraya Hiroshi
Affiliate Master Yamaguchi University
[kakenhi]15501 grid.268397.1
Creators Sakamoto Mayuka
Affiliate Master Yamaguchi University
[kakenhi]15501 grid.268397.1
Creators Kawahara Sakiko
Affiliate Master Yamaguchi University
[kakenhi]15501 grid.268397.1
Creators Nishio Koichiro
Affiliate Master Yamaguchi University
[kakenhi]15501 grid.268397.1
Creators Hoshino Hiroshi
Affiliate Master Yamaguchi University
[kakenhi]15501 grid.268397.1
Creators Goto Yoshiko
Affiliate Master Yamaguchi University
[kakenhi]15501 grid.268397.1
Creators Nishi Atsuko
Affiliate Master Yamaguchi University
[kakenhi]15501 grid.268397.1
Source Identifiers [EISSN] 2434-4494
Creator Keywords
新型コロナウイルス 家庭科 調理実習
Languages jpn
Resource Type departmental bulletin paper
Publishers 山口大学教育学部附属教育実践総合センター
Date Issued 2021-10-01
File Version Version of Record
Access Rights open access