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Li Haifeng

Affiliate Master Yamaguchi University

Analysis of factor affecting regional tourism cooperation : Based on the case of Henan province in China

東亞経濟研究 Volume 76 Issue 1-2 Page 27-38
published_at 2018-01-31
[fulltext] 1.82 MB
地域観光連携の影響要因に関する定量分析 : 中国河南省の事例を中心に
Analysis of factor affecting regional tourism cooperation : Based on the case of Henan province in China
Creators Wang Xiaowei
Creators Li Haifeng
Source Identifiers
Creator Keywords
地域観光 連携 影響要因 定量分析
Languages jpn
Resource Type departmental bulletin paper
Publishers 山口大学東亜経済学会
Date Issued 2018-01-31
File Version Version of Record
Access Rights open access
Schools 経済学部