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Nagahata Minoru

Affiliate Master Yamaguchi University

A study of policies to promote partnership with citizen and local government in the midsized city of rocal region : A case study of community development in Hofu, Yamaguchi

Journal of higher education Volume 9 Page 86-102
published_at 2012-03
[fulltext] 621 KB
地方中都市における協働のまちづくりに関する研究 : 山口県防府市における取り組みを事例として
A study of policies to promote partnership with citizen and local government in the midsized city of rocal region : A case study of community development in Hofu, Yamaguchi
Creators Nagahata Minoru
Source Identifiers
Creator Keywords
協働のまちづくり 自治基本条例 参画・協働の条例 地域コミュニティ 地域自治組織
Languages jpn
Resource Type departmental bulletin paper
Publishers 山口大学大学教育機構
Date Issued 2012-03
File Version Version of Record
Access Rights open access
[isVersionOf] [URI]
Schools エクステンションセンター