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Saito Tadashi

Affiliate Master Yamaguchi University

On the foods in LaoShe's novels : a case of ”Rickshaw-Boy(駱駝祥子)”

東亜経済研究 Volume 59 Issue 3 Page 241-276
published_at 2001-01
[fulltext] 1.39 MB
老舎小説の食譜 : 長編小説「駱駝祥子」篇
On the foods in LaoShe's novels : a case of ”Rickshaw-Boy(駱駝祥子)”
Creators Saito Tadashi
Source Identifiers
Languages jpn
Resource Type departmental bulletin paper
Publishers 東亞經濟研究會
Date Issued 2001-01
File Version Version of Record
Access Rights open access
Schools 経済学部