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Fujimiya Tatsuya

Affiliate Master Yamaguchi University

Forensic pharmacokinetics of alcohol

山口医学 Volume 49 Issue 5 Page 485-490
published_at 2000-10-31
[fulltext] 536 KB
Forensic pharmacokinetics of alcohol
Creators Fujimiya Tatsuya
Source Identifiers
Creator Keywords
アルコール 法医薬物動態学 ミカエリス・メンテン型消失モデル 初回通過効果 ポピュレーション・ファーマコキネティクス
Forensic pathologists often offer interpretations of blood alcohol concentrations(BAC) found at autopsy. It is important to have a comprehensive knowledge of the pharmacokinetics of alcohol. A one-compartment model with zero-order elimination kinetics, which was proposed by Widmark, has been used to predict the BAC of an individual. However, non-linear kinetic nature of alcohol disposition is well-known. The elimination of alcohol form the body can be described by a Michaelis-Menten elimination kinetic model or a parallel first-order and Michaelis-Menten elimination kinetic model. The relationship among these models is studied. The bioavailability of alcohol was calculated using these models. Our results pointed out the overestimation by the calculation method using area under the curve(AUC). Population pharmacokinetic was introduced into ethanol kinetics. Bayesian methods were useful to estimate the blood ethanol concentration.
医学 ( Other)
Languages jpn
Resource Type journal article
Publishers 山口大学医学会
Date Issued 2000-10-31
File Version Version of Record
Access Rights open access
[isVersionOf] [NAID]
Schools 医学部