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Creators : Kamada Eiichirou | Takahashi Tadashi | Kaneoka Natsumi | Ikejiri Akihiko | Maeoka Yousuke | Uchiyama Aki | Nakatsukasa Masamichi | Araki Hideki | Tanno Ken-ichi Publishers : 日本作物学会 Date Issued : 2011-08-30
Creators : Kajita Kana | Tsuji Wataru | Araki Hideki Publishers : 日本作物学会 Date Issued : 2011-08-30
Creators : Hossain Md. Alamgir | Hamada Asami | Araki Hideki | Tanaka Shuhei | Takahashi Tadashi Publishers : 日本作物学会 Date Issued : 2011-08-30
Grain growth and leaf senescence in wheat exposed to waterlogging during jointing stage and post-anthesis
日本作物學會紀事. 別号 Volume 第232回日本作物学会講演会
Creators : Hamada Asami | Hossain Md. Alamgir | Takahashi Tadashi | Araki Hideki Publishers : 日本作物学会 Date Issued : 2011-08-30
Creators : Takenaka Yuji | Kobayashi Jun | Matsuda Yoshiaki | Gong Chengliang | Nagaya Masahiro | Miyajima Shigetoshi | Yoshimura Tetsuro Publishers : Kluwer Academic Publishers Date Issued : 1999
Baculovirus not only as an insect expression vector but as a gene transfer vector
Animal cell technology : basic and applied aspects Volume 10
Creators : Kobayashi Jun Publishers : Kluwer Academic Publishers Date Issued : 1999
Creators : Kobayashi J. | Matsuoka H. | Chinzei Y. | Sinden R.E. | Miyajima S. Publishers : Kluwer Academic Publishers Date Issued : 1994
Genetic engineering of insect viruses : recombinant baculoviruses
Proceedings of the seminar on biotechnology for agricultural viruses
Creators : Kobayashi Jun Publishers : Yogyakarta Gajah Mada University Date Issued : 1994
Recent advances in gene technology of silk spinning insects
Proceedings of the third international conference on wild silk moths 1998
Creators : Kobayashi Jun Date Issued : 2000
Structure of glycoside of Bombyx mori prothoracicotropic hormone
Peptide science : present and future : proceedings of the 1st International Peptide Symposium
Creators : Nagata S. | Kobayashi J. | Kataoka H. | Suzuki A. Publishers : Kluwer Academic Date Issued : 1999
Nucleotide sequence analysis of the penaeid rod-shaped DNA virus : taxonomic implications
Proceedings of the NRIA international workshop on new approaches to viral diseases of aquatic animals
Creators : Kobayashi Jun Publishers : National Research Institute of Aquaculture | 独立行政法人 水産総合研究センター Date Issued : 1997
Utilization of insect genome informatics for metabolic engineering of insect cells
The First International Workshop of Lepidoptera Genomics
Creators : Kobayashi Jun Publishers : National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences Date Issued : 2002
Developing insect gene expression system in the genome era
Prospects for the Development of Insect Factories
Creators : Kobayashi Jun Publishers : 農業生物資源研究所 Date Issued : 2001
Characteristics of readily decomposable organic matter in soil
Proceedings of the International Seminar on Soil Environment and Fertility Management in Intensive Agriculture
Creators : Marumoto Takuya | Higashi Toshio Publishers : Society of the Science of Soil and Manure
Restoration of degraded terrestrial environments : Microbial function and utilization
International Workshop Microbial Function in Revegetation Process of Degraded Terrestrial Environments: From Gene through to Ecosystem
Creators : Saito Masanori | Marumoto Takuya Date Issued : 2002
Creators : Marumoto Takuya Publishers : 澄石セミナー事務局 Date Issued : 2002-11
Creators : Marumoto Takuya | Okabe Hiroaki | Ezaki Tsugio | Nishiyama Masaya | Yamamoto Kazuo Date Issued : 1996
Turnover of microbial biomass nitrogen in rhizosphere soils of upland crops
Transactions of 14th International Congress of Soil Science Volume 3
Creators : Marumoto Takuya Publishers : International Society of Soil Science Date Issued : 1990
Creators : Kobayashi Jun Publishers : International society for Wild Silkmoths
Creators : Atkins Clarke E. | Atwell Rick B. | Dillon Ray | Genchi Claudio | Hayasaki Mineo | Holmes Robert A. | Knight David H. | Lukof David K. | McCall John W. | Slocombe J. Owen D. Publishers : American Heartworm Society Date Issued : 1995