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【背景】全層性治癒(Transmural healing healing; TH)は、クローン病の新たな治療標的として注目されているが、日本ではTHに関する臨床データはほとんどない。我々は、クローン病のモニタリング法として低被曝線量CTエンテログラフィ(CTE)を導入し、CTEによるTHの評価をレトロスペクティブに検討した。【方法】2009年 1月から2021年3月までに当院で低被曝線量CTEを施行したクローン病患者のうち、2週間以内に大腸内視鏡検査またはバルーン内視鏡検査を施行した122例を対象とした。放射線検査と内視鏡検査の結果は、それぞれ放射線科医と消化器内視鏡医が独立して検討した。CTEと内視鏡検査の診断の一致率を算出した。【結果】26名(21.3%)のクローン病患者がTHを達成し、カッパ係数は0.743と2人の放射線科医の間でかなりの一致が見られた。TH群と非TH群の比較では、クローン病活動指数(Crohn’s Disease Activity Index ; CDAI )(P値 = 0.02)、内視鏡的治癒率(P値 < 0.001)、血清アルブミン(P値 = 0.043)、血清C反応性蛋白(P値 = 0.018)に有意差が認められた。122名の患者のうち、69名(56.5%)はCTEの診断と内視鏡検査が一致し、22名(18.0%)はTHと内視鏡の両方の治癒を達成した。【結論】本研究は、日本における低被曝線量CTEによるクローン病のリアルワードデータを示すものである。本研究で用いたTHの基準はカッパ係数が高く、多くの施設で再現性を持って用いることができると考えられる。
Creators : 藤村 寛之 Updated At : 2022-06-07 14:10:15
【背景】近年、歯周炎や歯肉炎に関連する嫌気性グラム桿菌であるFusobacterium nucleatum (F. nucleatum) は大腸がんの発生や進行に関与することが報告されている。この菌の制御が大腸がんの予防につながる可能性があると考え、深紫外線発光ダイオード (DUV-LED) によるF. nucleatumの殺菌効果を検討した。【方法】DUV-LEDのF. nucleatumに対する殺菌効果を定性的、定量的に評価した。ピーク波長が265nmと280nmの2種類のDUV-LEDを使用した。F. nucleatumのDNAに対するダメージは、シクロブタンピリミジン二量体(CPD)とピリミジンピリミドン光生成物 (6-4PP) の生成で評価した。【結果】DUV-LEDでの265nmまたは280nmの波長を3分間照射したところ、コロニーの成長は観察されなかった。265nmのDUV-LED光照射下におけるF. nucleatumの生存率は10秒照射で0.0014%、20秒照射で0%に低下した。同様に、280nmのDUV-LED光照射では,10秒照射で0.00044%、20秒照射で0%に低下した。DUV-LEDから35mmの距離での放射照度は、265nmのLEDで0.265mW/cm^2、280nmのLEDでは0.415mW/cm^2であった。従って、致死量を示す放射エネルギーは265nm LEDは5.3mJ/cm^2、280nm LEDは8.3mJ/cm^2であった。265nmと280nmのDUV-LED光をF. nucleatumに照射した際のCPDと6-4PPの量はそれぞれ6.548ng/μg、1.333ng/μgであった。【結論】DUV-LED光は、F. nucleatumに対して、ピリミジン二量体を形成することにより殺菌効果を発揮した。
Creators : 伊藤 駿介 Updated At : 2022-06-07 13:40:34
前身に投与された治療薬が脳組織実質に到達するには、神経組織の血管により形成される血液脳関門を通過する必要がある。そのため、組織への損傷を最小限に抑えて血液脳関門を開くことができれば、難治性神経疾患の治療法開発に大きな進展をもたらすことが期待される。本研究では、血液脳関門を形成する血管内皮細胞に発現するBasiginに着目し、その内因性リガンドであるCyclophilin A (CypA) を用いて、血液脳関門機能を人為的に制御することを目的とした。マウス脳血管内皮細胞株を用いたin vivo解析により、CypAの投与がBasiginを介して血液脳関門機能を低下させること、それにより脳実質へ効率的に薬物を送達できることを示した。単層培養された血管内皮細胞において、CypAはタイト結合構成分子の一つであるClaudin-5を一過性かつ可逆的に細胞膜から消失させて、バリアー機能を低下させることを見出した。また、マウスへのCypAの単回静脈内投与では血液脳関門が一定期間開いた後、自発的に元の状態へ回復することが示され、そしてその限定された機関において、全身投与された水溶性薬物Doxorubicinが脳組織実質へ送達されることが明らかとなった。本研究の結果は、CypAの静脈内投与によって、脳実質への薬物送達を自在にコントロールできることを示しており、難治性神経疾患に対する治療法確立に向けた重要な成果であると考えられる。
Creators : 本田 成美 Updated At : 2022-06-07 12:00:27
The hippocampal dentate gyrus has been identified to play a critical role in maintaining contextual memory in many mammalian species. To evaluate learning-induced synaptic plasticity of granule cells, we subjected male rats to an inhibitory avoidance (IA) task and prepared acute hippocampal slices. In the presence of 0.5 µM tetrodotoxin, we recorded miniature EPSCs in male rats experiencing four groups: untrained, IA-trained, unpaired, and walk-through. Compared with the untrained, IA-trained, unpaired, and walk-through groups, the unpaired group significantly enhanced mean mEPSC amplitudes, suggesting the experience-induced plasticity at AMPA receptor-mediated excitatory synapses. For inhibitory synapses, both unpaired and walk-through groups significantly decreased mean mIPSC amplitudes, showing the experience-induced reduction of postsynaptic GABA_A receptor-mediated currents. Unlike the plasticity at CA1 synapses, it was difficult to explain the learning-specific plasticity at the synapses. However, overall multivariate analysis using four variables of mE(I)PSC responses revealed experience-specific changes in the diversity, suggesting that the diversity of excitatory/inhibitory synapses onto granule cells differs among the past experience of animals include the learning. In comparison with CA1 pyramidal neurons, granule cells consistently showed greater amplitude and frequency of mE(I)PSCs. Fluctuation analysis further revealed that granule cells provide more postsynaptic AMPA receptor channels and greater single-channel current of GABA_A receptors of than CA1 pyramidal neurons. These findings show functional differences between two types of principal cells in the hippocampus.
Creators : Han Thiri Zin Updated At : 2022-06-07 11:51:18
Phosphorus is an indispensable nutrient to sustain the daily life of all living things on Earth. However, the over-enrichment of the aquatic ecosystem with phosphorus leads to eutrophication, which is still a global environmental problem. More stringent regulations have been put in place for the limit of phosphorus discharge to address this problem and resulted in the removal of phosphorus removal becomes exceptionally crucial. Furthermore, phosphorus deposits are a non-renewable resource and forecasted to deplete until 2170, given the current usage and global population growth. Thus, the removal of phosphorus coupled with the recovery and reuse of phosphorus offer the best strategies to meet the future phosphorus demand. Accordingly, adsorption represents a fascinating separation technique for phosphate from water because of the possibility of phosphorus recovery. Moreover, this approach has many advantages, such as efficient, easy operating conditions, low sludge production, and the possibility of regenerating the adsorbent. Numerous attractive low-cost adsorbents have been studied for phosphate removal, one of which is layered double hydroxides (LDH). Unfortunately, a high phosphate adsorption capacity of LDH can generally be achieved by calcination, which increases the preparation cost of LDH. In this study, LDH is functionalized with amorphous zirconium (hydr)oxide to obtain enhanced adsorption capacity and eliminate the high-temperature requirement during the synthesis process. Although different treatment techniques have been developed to eliminate phosphorus contamination, including for wastewater treatment, treated water often fails to meet quality regulations. Amorphous zirconium (hydr)oxide/MgFe layered double hydroxides composites (am-Zr/MgFe-LDH) with different molar ratios (Zr/Fe = 1.5 2) were prepared in two-stage synthesis by the combination of coprecipitation and hydrothermal methods. The synthesis of the composite could eliminate the requirement of high-temperature calcination in the LDH for phosphate adsorption. Moreover, the phosphate adsorption ability of the composite was higher than that of the individual LDH and amorphous zirconium (hydr)oxide. The presence of amorphous zirconium (hydr)oxide increased the phosphate adsorption ability of composite at low pH. The adsorption capacity was increased by decreasing the pH and increasing the temperature (from 290 to 324 K). The bicarbonate (HCO3 ) was the most competitive anion for phosphate adsorption. The pseudo-secondorder model provided the best description of the kinetic adsorption data. Furthermore, the adsorbed phosphate was easily desorbed by 1 N and reused 2 N of NaOH solutions. The results suggest that the am-Zr/MgFe-LDH composite is a promising material for phosphate removal and recovery from wastewater. A Fixed-bed column has been considered an industrially feasible technique for phosphate removal from water. Besides the adsorption capacity, the effectiveness of an adsorbent is also determined by its reusability efficiency. In this study, phosphate removal by a synthesized am-Zr/MgFe-LDH in a fixed-bed column system was examined. The results showed that the increased bed height and phosphate concentration, and reduced flow rate, pH, and adsorbent particle size were found to increase the column adsorption capacity. The optimum adsorption capacity of 25.15 mg-P g^{-1} was obtained at pH 4. The coexistence of seawater ions had a positive effect on the phosphate adsorption capacity of the composite. Nearly complete phosphate desorption, with a desorption efficiency of 91.7%, could be effectively achieved by 0.1 N NaOH for an hour. Moreover, the initial adsorption capacity was maintained at approximately 83% even after eight adsorption-desorption cycles, indicating that the composite is economically feasible. The am-Zr/MgFe-LDH, with its high adsorption capacity and superior reusability, has the potential to be utilized as an adsorbent for phosphorus removal in practical wastewater treatment. The possible adsorption mechanisms of phosphate by am-Zr/MgFe-LDH were investigated via X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared (FTIR), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), and pH at the point of zero charge (pHPZC) analyses. It was suggested that the high phosphate adsorption capacity of the composite involves three main adsorption mechanisms, which are the electrostatic attraction, inner-sphere complexation, and anion exchange, where the amorphous zirconium (hydr)oxide on the surface of the layered double hydroxides likely increased the number of active binding sites and surface area for adsorption. This study provides insights into the design of am-Zr/MgFe- LDH for phosphorus removal and recovery in a practical system.
Creators : ATIN NURYADIN Updated At : 2021-12-07 00:34:47
Creators : Srivastava Pratibha Updated At : 2021-12-07 00:34:44
Creators : Aya Takahiro Updated At : 2021-12-07 00:34:46
Creators : Ahmed Magdy Ahmed Khalil Updated At : 2021-12-07 00:34:46
Creators : Do Thi Van Updated At : 2021-12-07 00:34:46
Creators : 松本 奈実 Updated At : 2021-08-27 00:04:37
Creators : Han Jihae Updated At : 2021-06-11 20:38:01
Creators : Jiang Junzhe Updated At : 2021-06-11 20:38:01
Creators : Liu Yongsheng Updated At : 2021-06-11 20:38:00