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High serum proteinase-3 levels predict poor progression-free survival and lower efficacy of bevacizumab in metastatic colorectal cancer

[abstract] 4.98 MB
[fulltext] 9.91 MB
転移性大腸癌における血清 proteinase-3 高値は無増悪生存期間不良とbevacizumabの有効性低下を予測する
High serum proteinase-3 levels predict poor progression-free survival and lower efficacy of bevacizumab in metastatic colorectal cancer
Degree 博士(医学) Dissertation Number 医博甲第1709号 (2024-09-24)
Degree Grantors Yamaguchi University
[kakenhi]15501 grid.268397.1
Creators 古谷 圭
Languages jpn
Resource Type doctoral thesis
File Version Version of Record
Access Rights open access