
Optimal strategies for vaccination using the stochastic SIRV model (Special issue on the 43rd ISCIE international symposium on stochastic systems theory and its applications—II)

システム制御情報学会論文誌 Volume 25 Issue 12 Page 343-348
published_at 2012-12
Optimal strategies for vaccination using the stochastic SIRV model (Special issue on the 43rd ISCIE international symposium on stochastic systems theory and its applications—II)
Creators Ishikawa Masaaki
Creator Keywords
stochastic infectious model optimal vaccination strategy stochastic maximum principle four-step scheme
Languages eng
Resource Type journal article
Publishers システム制御情報学会
Date Issued 2012-12
File Version Not Applicable (or Unknown)
Access Rights metadata only access
[isVersionOf] [NAID]http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/40019527891
[isVersionOf] [URI]https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/browse/iscie
Schools 大学院理工学研究科(工学)