背景:UGT1A1*28および*6遺伝子多型は、イリノテカンに関連する毒性の危険因子として知られている。しかし、UGT1A1*28および*6に遺伝子変異を持たない患者においても、イリノテカンによる重篤な副作用が認められている。我々は、UGT1A以外のイリノテカン毒性の有用なバイオマーカーを同定するために、全エクソームにおける遺伝子多型を調査した。 方法:FOLFIRI療法、FOLFOX療法、FOLFOXIRI療法を投与された転移性大腸癌(mCRC)患者178例とmodified FOLFIRINOX療法、ゲムシタビン+ナブパクリタキセル療法を投与された膵臓癌患者87例を対象とした。ゲノムワイドスクリーニングは全エクソームシーケンス(WES)を用いて行い、バリデーション解析は加水分解プローブを用いたqPCRを用いて実施した。 結果:FOLFIRI療法症例のWES(n = 15)により、7つの一塩基多型(SNP)がイリノテカン関連毒性である好中球減少のバイオマーカー候補として同定された。7つのSNPのうち、R3H domain and coiled-coil containing 1(R3HCC1; c.919G>A, rs2272761)のSNPは、検証サンプル症例のグレード3以上の好中球減少と有意な関連性を示した。mCRC患者に対するFOLFOXIRI療法(n = 23)または膵臓癌に対するmodified FOLFIRINOX療法(n = 40)といったイリノテカン含有の3剤併用化学療法患者でも、R3HCC1多型と好中球減少との間に有意な線形傾向がみられた(それぞれP = 0.017 および0.046 )。一方で、イリノテカンを含まないレジメン(mCRC患者に対するFOLFOX療法(n = 66)、膵臓癌に対するゲムシタビン+ナブパクリタキセル療法(n = 47))患者では、有意な関連は認められなかった。 結論:R3HCC1多型は、mCRCと膵臓癌に対するイリノテカンを含む化学療法の毒性に関する有用なバイオマーカーとなる可能性がある。
Creators : 兼定 航 Updated At : 2023-05-25 14:55:01
細胞シート移植治療の普及には利便性の高い細胞シートの保存方法の開発が不可欠である。細胞シートから分泌される成長因子によって創傷治癒は促進されると考えられてきたため、その保存には細胞生存率が重要視されてきた。そのため、積層線維芽細胞シートの乾燥保存に関する検討はこれまでにない。本研究では、乾燥保存した積層線維芽細胞シート(Dryシート)を開発し、糖尿病マウス全層皮膚欠損モデルでの創傷治癒促進効果を検証した。 マウスの尾から単離した線維芽細胞を用いて、積層線維芽細胞シート(Livingシート)を作製した。Livingシートを風乾させ、Dryシートとした。Livingシートに凍結解凍操作を繰り返してFreeze-thaw(FT)シートとした。各シートを培地に浸漬して溶出液とし、各溶出液中の成長因子を測定した。Vascular endothelial growth factor(VEGF)とhepatocyte growth factor(HGF)はDryシートとLivingシートで検出したのに対し、fibroblast growth factor-2(FGF-2)とhigh mobility group box 1(HMGB1)はDryシートのみで検出した。FTシートではこれらの成長因子をほとんど検出しなかった。細胞シートの溶出液を添加して線維芽細胞を培養し、溶出液の生理活性を線維芽細胞増殖試験で検討した。DryシートはLivingシートと比べ、細胞増殖と成長因子産生量を有意に促進し、FGF-2中和抗体で阻害すると、この細胞増殖反応は抑制された。糖尿病マウス全層皮膚欠損モデル(C57BL/6N)において、自家及び他家(C3H/He)の線維芽細胞から作製したDryシート貼付群は無治療群に比べ、創の閉鎖を有意に促進した。Dryシートは常温(23℃)よりも冷蔵(4℃)での保存安定性に優れ、少なくとも4週間の冷蔵保存ではDryシートのFGF-2の減少を認めなかった。 以上から、DryシートはFGF-2の放出という新たな作用機序で創傷治癒を促進することが明らかになった。他家細胞から作製されたDryシートは、創傷治癒を促す再生医療において新たな扱いやすい被覆材であることが示唆された。
Creators : 松野 祐太朗 Updated At : 2023-05-24 16:26:24
本研究の目的は、皮膚潰瘍モデルマウスにおいて、凍結保存した他家線維芽細胞シートの治療効果を検討することである。他家細胞シートの凍結保存が可能であれば、様々な疾患への応用が可能であり、大幅なコストダウンによる再生医療の普及に貢献できると考えられる。本研究では、3Dフリーザーを用いて線維芽細胞シートの凍結を行った。凍結融解した線維芽細胞シートは、非凍結線維芽細胞シートと比較して、細胞生存率は約80であり、vascularendothelial growth factor VEGF )、hepatocyte growth factor HGF)、stromalderived factor 1α SDF1αの培養上清中の濃度が50%以上で、transforminggrowth factor β1 TGFβ1の分泌能は同等であった。皮膚潰瘍モデルマウスにおいて、非凍結線維芽細胞シート群と凍結融解した線維芽細胞シート群の間で、自家細胞、他家細胞のどちらも創傷治癒率に差はなかった。また、血管新生の程度も同等であった。治癒組織におけるCD3陽性細胞数は、自家線維芽細胞シート群と比較して他家線維芽細胞シート群で多く見られた。しかし、病理組織学的には、凍結融解した他家線維芽細胞シート群の線維化、新生血管密度、創傷治癒速度は、非凍結他家線維芽細胞シート群に比べて凍結融解した自家線維芽細胞シート群に類似していた。これらの結果から、凍結融解した他家線維芽細胞シートが難治性皮膚潰瘍に対する有望な治療オプションとなる可能性が示唆された。
Creators : 池 創一 Updated At : 2023-05-24 14:52:02
ミエリン関連糖蛋白 (myelin-associated glycoprotein: MAG) は,神経組織の髄鞘に局在する膜貫通糖蛋白であり,MAGに対するIgM型自己抗体 (MAG抗体) を有する患者では脱髄性末梢神経障害をきたす.末梢神経には血液神経関門 (blood-nerve barrier: BNB) があるために,通常は免疫グロブリンなどの大きな分子が神経内に侵入することはできない.しかし,MAGニューロパチー患者から採取した腓腹神経内有髄神経線維の髄鞘にはMAG抗体が沈着しており,MAG抗体はBNBを通過していることが想定される.MAG抗体のBNB通過機序を明らかにすることを目的に,MAGニューロパチー患者血清,ヒトBNB構成内皮細胞株と周皮細胞株,MAGニューロパチー患者から採取した腓腹神経検体を用いて解析を行った.MAGニューロパチー患者血清を作用させた内皮細胞に対して,全RNAトランスクリプトーム解析と免疫染色を用いたハイコンテントイメージング解析を行い,NF-κBの活性化とTNF-αの発現増加を確認した.次に内皮細胞と周皮細胞を共培養したBNB in vitroモデルで透過性を解析した. MAGニューロパチー患者血清を作用させた結果,10 kDaデキストランやIgGの透過性を変化させることなく,IgMやMAG抗体の透過性を亢進させ,TNF-αの中和抗体を添加することでIgMやMAG抗体の透過性は抑制された.電子顕微鏡による観察ではMAGニューロパチー患者の腓腹神経内でBNBを構成する微小血管の密着結合は保たれており,内皮細胞内に多数の小胞が確認された.MAGニューロパチー患者では,MAG抗体はBNB構成内皮細胞の自己分泌TNF-αの増加を介して内皮細胞質内をトランスサイトーシスの機序により通過していることが示唆された.TNF-α阻害薬は既存の薬剤であり,本研究結果から,TNF-α阻害薬によるMAGニューロパチー患者への新たな治療戦略が期待される.
Creators : 佐藤 亮太 Updated At : 2023-05-24 14:10:24
Pandemic influenza virus A(H1N1)pdm09 infection occurred in healthy children and young adults, but asthmatic patients presented more rapid progression of respiratory distress and plastic bronchitis. To investigate the pathogenesis of worsening respiratory symptoms after A(H1N1)pdm09 infection, we focused on matrix metalloproteinase‐9 (MMP‐9) and tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases‐1 (TIMP‐1). MMP‐9 and TIMP‐1 levels in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid and serum from mice with and without asthma were evaluated after A(H1N1)pdm09 or seasonal A(H1N1) infection. MMP‐9 levels were more elevated in Asthma/A(H1N1)pdm09‐infected mice than in non‐Asthma/A(H1N1)pdm09‐infected mice on both 3 and 7 days post‐infection. Immunohistochemical findings in this pneumonia model showed that MMP‐9 and TIMP‐1 positive cells were observed in blood vessels and bronchus of lung tissue in severe pathological findings of pneumonia with asthma. Microscopically, shedding cells and secretions were conspicuous in the trachea on days 3 and 7 postinfection, in the A(H1N1)pdm09‐infected mice with asthma. Our results suggest that MMP‐9 and TIMP‐1 expressions are related to severe pneumonia in the A(H1N1)pdm09 infection with asthma, leading to cause epithelial cell shedding.
Creators : 木村 献 Updated At : 2023-05-24 13:39:59
転写因子CCAAT/enhancer-bringing protein beta(C/EBPβ)は、IGF-binding protein-1(IGFBP-1)やprolactin(ERL)遺伝子のプロモーターおよびエンハンサー領域において、転写活性マーカーであるHistone-H3 lysine-27 アセチル化(H3K27ac)を誘導するパイオニア因子であり、ヒト子宮内膜間質細胞(ESC)の脱落膜化に貢献することを我々はこれまでに報告している。パイオニア因子の一部はヒストンアセチルトランスフェラーゼ(HAT)活性を有するコファクターと複合体を形成することで機能する。我々は、C/EBPβと共役するHATタンパクとしてp300を同定しているが、それ以外のコファクターについては不明である。Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma comma coactivator 1-α(PGC-1α)はH3K27acを制御することが知られている転写共役因子である。PGC-1αはESCでも発現しているが、脱落膜化におけるPGC-1αの機能は不明である。そこで、PGC-1αがC/EBPβの転写共役因子として働き、脱落膜化過程においてH3K27ac誘導に関与しているのではないかと考え検討した。脱落膜化を誘導するためにESCをcAMP存在上で培養した。cAMPによるIGFBP-1およびPRLの発現上昇はPGC-1αのノックダウンにより抑制された。また、cAMPはIGFBP-1およびPRLのプロモーターとエンハンサー領域に存在するC/EBPβ結合部位へのPGC-1αとp300のリクルートを増加させた。さらに、PGC-1αをノックダウンするとC/EBPβとp300に結合、およびH3K27acレベルが低下したことから、PGC-1αはこれらの領域でC/EBPβおよびp300とヒストン修飾複合体を形成することでH3K27ac誘導に関与していることが示された。さらにPGC-1αの発現制御機構を調べるために、C/EBPβを上流因子として着目した。PGC-1αのエンハンサー領域へのC/EBPβの結合はcAMPで増加した。また、これらのエンハンサーをゲノム編集により欠失させた細胞ではPGC-1αの発現が減少したことから、C/EBPβは我々が見出したエンハンサー領域に結合することでPGC-1αの発現を上昇させると考えられた。以上より、PGC-1αはC/EBPβの新規エンハンサーへの結合によって発現誘導されること、また、C/EBPβとp300と共にヒストン修飾複合体を形成して、IGFBP-1およびPRLのプロモーターとエンハンサーにエピゲノム変化を引き起こすことで脱落膜化に貢献していることがわかった。
Creators : 高木 遥香 Updated At : 2022-11-07 13:40:01
背景:がん幹細胞 (CSC) は、発がん、再発、転移、治療抵抗性に重要な役割を果たすと考えられている。我々は、化学療法抵抗性と転移能を有するがん幹細胞様スフィア細胞 (CSLC) の誘導に成功した。CSLC に対する標的治療の開発を可能にするため、CSLC のこの表現型の原因となる遺伝子を同定した。 方法:ヒト肝がん細胞株SK-HEP-1 を用い、独自のスフィア誘導培地を用いてCSLCを誘導し、HuH-7 細胞を非スフィア形成細胞として同条件で使用した。RNA シーケンシングを行った後、定量的 RT-PCR とウェスタンブロッティングで検証した。ノックダウン (KD) 実験はCRISPR-Cas9 によるゲノム編集により行い、レスキュー実験は発現プラスミドベクターを用いて行った。細胞の化学療法抵抗性と肝転移は、MTS アッセイと細胞の重度免疫不全マウスへの脾臓注入後の解析で評価した。培地中のエクソソームの定量は、EL ISA 法を用いて行った。 結果: RAB3B は、RNA シーケンシングによりCSLC と予後不良の肝細胞がん (HCC)の両方で発現が増加している遺伝子として同定された。RAB3B-KD 細胞は、スフィア形成、化学療法抵抗性、転移能などのCSLC 表現型の変化を示し、これらはRAB3Bの相補化によって回復された。CSLC ではエクソソーム分泌の増加が観察されたが、RAB3B-KD 細胞では観察されなかった。また、RAB3B の発現は、ABCG2、APOE、LEPR、LXN、TSPAN13 の発現と相関していた。 結論:RAB3B のアップレギュレーションは、CSLC の化学療法抵抗性と転移能に重要な役割を担っている可能性がある。
Creators : 恒富 亮一 Updated At : 2023-03-01 10:44:35
Some textbooks of formal languages and automata theory implicitly state the structural equality of the binary n-dimensional de Bruijn graph and the state diagram of minimum state deterministic finite automaton which accepts regular language (0+1)*1(0+1)^{n-1}. Although the isomorphism in binary case is relatively easy to prove, it is desirable to rigorously prove such an isomorphism in general k-ary case. To achieve this purpose, the author introduces a new computational model, called "colored finite automata (CFA)," and give a certain characterization of the general k-ary de Bruijn graphs by regular languages. The second purpose of this study is to investigate the potential of this automaton with multi-colored accepting states. By the way, when CFA is nondeterministic (NCFA), it is desirable that the colors of accepting states are unmixed (i.e., there are no inputs that are accepted with differently colored accepting states) in order to pursuit the accurate identification. Thus, the author proposes the three decision problems (Unmixedness Verification problem, Unmixedness Partitioning problem, and Unmixedness Extension problem) concerning unmixedness and show that UV, UP, and UE problems are shown to be NLOG-complete, P, and NP-complete, respectively. The author also illustrates the applications of colored finite automata, e.g. to existing regular expression engines and model checking tools for the purpose of improvement of their efficiency and conveniency. Next, the author introduces "colored pushdown automaton (CPDA)" which is an ordinary pushdown automaton with colored accepting states. It is shown that while the computational complexity of the above-mentioned UV, UP, and UE problems of CPDA are all undecidable, restriction of CPDA are all undecidable, restriction of CPDAs to unambiguous ones simplifies some problems of them to the permanently true problems. In this way, the concept of colored accepting states can be applied to a wide range of automata that have a set of accepting states and expected to be useful in a wide range of theoretical and practical field of automata applications in the future.
Creators : 高橋 芳明 Updated At : 2022-12-09 15:48:58
Creators : 常 艶麗 Updated At : 2022-11-10 14:10:55
Political connections are considered a valuable resource in not only high-corruption countries but also low-corruption countries. This dissertation investigates the relationship between political connections and Sharia compliance, aiming to deepen understanding of the nature of political connections, as Sharia compliance prohibits engaging in corruption. Specifically, I analyze whether: 1) political connections and Sharia compliance affect merger and acquisition (M&A) performance; 2) connections to politicians affect the market response to firms' inclusion in or exclusion from the Indonesia Sharia Stock Index (ISSI); 3) political connections and Sharia compliance have been valuable during the COVID-19 pandemic; and 4) political connections affect firms' environmental performance. This dissertation comprises six chapters. Chapters 1 and 6 respectively introduce and conclude this dissertation. The remaining four chapters (i.e., Chapters 2-5) are essays on the empirical relationship between political connections and Sharia compliance. In Chapter 2, I study the impact of political connections and Sharia compliance on M&A performance, focusing on M&A deals in Indonesia during 2010-2016. I find that while political connections can improve market reactions to M&A announcements, Sharia compliance has a positive but insignificant impact on M&A performance. I further find that there is a substitution relationship between Sharia compliance and political connections: Sharia -compliant firms with political connections have poorer M&A performance than non-Sharia-compliant firms with political connections. Chapter 3 examines market responses to firms' addition to and removal from the ISSI and how political connections influence those market responses. I employ two kinds of analysis. First, using the event-study methodology, I measure abnormal returns surrounding the announcement of each firm's addition to or removal from the ISSI. Second, to more precisely identify the relationship between political connections and Sharia compliance, I use a pooled regression analysis. The results show that neither addition to nor removal from the ISSI produces abnormal returns for Indonesian firms, indicating that investors are little concerned with ISSI reconstitutions. Furthermore, political connections increase firms' value before inclusion in the ISSI, but the benefits of these connections are lost after their addition to the index. Chapter 4 offers novel evidence by investigating the value of political connections and Sharia compliance during the COVID-19 pandemic. I use the event-study methodology to measure the stock market reaction to the COVID-19 pandemic, and conduct a pooled regression analysis to more precisely identify the value of political connections and Sharia compliance during the pandemic. I find that a stock market anomaly occurred during the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia, in that the pandemic had a positive impact on the stock market. I also find that there was value for firms in being Sharia-compliant during the pandemic when the government announced tax incentives for firms. In Chapter 5, I investigate the relationship between political connections and the environmental performance of Sharia -compliant firms. I use a unique sample of firms covered by Indonesia's Program for Pollution Control Evaluation and Rating during 2013-2019. I find that political connections are less (more) valuable for Sharia-compliant firms (non-Sharia-compliant firms) m enhancing their environmental performance.
Creators : Wahyono Budi Updated At : 2022-11-09 15:53:37
The role of optimization can be found in almost all aspects of human life. Optimization is common in but not limited to the fields of engineering, economics, design, and planning. Although the optimization problems to be solved change, the optimization goal never changes. That is to find effective solutions efficiently. In modern optimization studies, the metaheuristic algorithm has been one of the most interesting methods, considering the demands of a reasonable computational time. Many metaheuristic algorithms have been introduced. However, based on the number of tentative solutions used in the search process, metaheuristic algorithms can be categorized into (1) population-based or (2) single-trajectory-based algorithms. The searching with singletrajectory-based metaheuristic algorithms manipulates and modifies a single solution point in every iteration. In contrast, the population-based metaheuristic algorithms combine a set of solution points to create new solutions in every iteration. A metaheuristic algorithm usually consists of two components, i.e., exploration and exploitation. Exploration means searching for solutions in the global space. In contrast, exploitation means searching for a solution by focusing on a small area or an area near an already known solution. The single-trajectory-based metaheuristic algorithm is exploitation-oriented. On the other side, the population-based metaheuristic algorithm is exploration-oriented because of searching by many points distributed on all search spaces. Balance settings between exploration and exploitation are needed to produce good solutions. In fact, most population-based algorithms will encounter decreasing in exploration and become too exploitation-oriented as the iteration increase. Any metaheuristic algorithm applies parameters to control the behavior. However, the parameters usually do not provide a good intuition of the rate of exploration and exploitation. Hence, reaching a balance between them is hard to predict just by the algorithm parameters. This dissertation proposes a conceptual design combining the spy algorithm and B-VNS. The spy algorithm is a population-based metaheuristic algorithm that mimics the strategy of a group of spies, the spy ring. The spy algorithm is a new concept with the main idea to ensure the benefit of exploration and exploitation, and cooperative and non-cooperative searches always exist. This goal is implemented by utilizing three kinds of dedicated search operators and regulating them in a fixed portion. The occurrences of exploration and exploitation are controlled by algorithm parameters. Thus, the spy algorithm parameters provide good before-running intuition to easier reach the balance between exploration and exploitation. The spy algorithm is first designed to be used in the continuous optimization model. The spy algorithm was compared to the genetic algorithm, improved harmony search, and particle swarm optimization on a set of non-convex functions by aiming at accuracy, the ability to detect many global optimum points, and computation time. The Kruskal-Wallis tests, followed by Games—Howell post hoc comparison tests, were conducted using a. for the comparison. The statistical analysis results show that the spy algorithm outperformed the other algorithms by providing the best accuracy and detecting more global optimum points within less computation time. Furthermore, those results indicate that the spy algorithm is more robust and faster than other algorithms tested. On the other hand, the B-VNS algorithm is a modification of the variable neighborhood search (VNS) algorithm. The benefit of VNS comes from its thorough search while avoiding the local optimum trap by moving to the neighboring point called shaking. The local search after shaking is another benefit of VNS that makes VNS a prominent algorithm. However, the thorough search has the drawback of long computation time. This dissertation introduces a modified neighborhood structure to reduce the computation times. The main idea is to apply the binomial distribution to create the neighboring point. As a result, the neighborhood distance has a random pattern. However, it follows a binomial distribution instead of a strictly monotonic increase like in VNS. The B-VNS is a modification of VNS and is classified as a single solution-based algorithm. The B-VNS is intended to solve combinatorial optimization problems, particularly the quadratic unconstrained binary optimization (QUBO) problems categorized as NP-hard problems. The B-VNS and VNS algorithms were tested on standard QUBO problems from Glover and Beasley, on standard max-cut problems from Helmberg-Rendl, and those proposed by Burer, Monteiro, and Zhang. Finally, Mann-Whitney tests were conducted using a. to compare the performance of the two algorithms statistically. It was shown that the B-VNS and VNS algorithms are able to provide good solutions, but the B-VNS algorithm runs substantially faster. Furthermore, the B-VNS algorithm performed better in all of the max-cut problems regardless of problem size and in QUBO problems with sizes less than The spy algorithms and B-VNS have different designs in the process and the domain of the solved problems. However, considering the benefit of the spy algorithm and B-VNS, their combination has the potential to provide good results. Conceptually, the spy algorithm can be seen as the first step of B-VNS. Conversely, B-VNS can be considered an additional refinement for the spy algorithm.
Creators : Pambudi Dhidhi Updated At : 2022-11-09 11:57:34
Rapid population growth and economic progress over the past decades have triggered a sharp increase in the global demand for fossil fuels thereby resulting in an energy crisis. The problem may be alleviated by upgrading and producing gaseous energy, but one of the major challenges associated with gaseous energy is to separate it effectively from other less desirable gases. Thus, energy-saving and high-efficiency separation technology is needed. In the past three decades, gas separation membranes, including polymeric membranes and inorganic membranes, have attracted much attention due to their advantages in terms of energy efficiency, operational simplicity, cost competitiveness, and small footprint. Although polymeric membranes have been utilized in practical gas separation, their separation performance is not sufficient for widespread practical application. Carbon molecular sieve (CMS) membranes, one of the inorganic porous membranes, can be prepared by pyrolyzing polymeric precursors.Their pore structures provide molecular sieving ability and possess good thermal and chemical resistance. Especially, the separation properties of the CMS membranes for a variety of gas pairs have exceeded the upper bound of polymeric membranes. These characteristics have made them attractive candidates for gas separation. The pore structures, separation properties, and transport mechanism of the CMS membranes depend critically on the type of the polymeric precursors, pyrolysis conditions and pre- and post-treatments. Thus, in this thesis, I prepared CMS membranes derived from different polymeric precursors and investigated the effect of pyrolysis conditions and post-treatment on the gas permeation properties. In Chapter 2, toluene vapor addition was performed for the first time during the pyrolysis process to prepare highly selective CMS membranes. Adding toluene vapor in the pyrolysis process was a simple method to improve the selectivity compared with the traditional chemical vapor deposition post-treatment technique. Additionally, the use of toluene can avoid the high transportation costs of gaseous hydrocarbons. The results indicated that toluene vapor addition increased selectivities of the H2-related gas pairs compared with CMS membranes without toluene vapor addition. This could not be realized simply by increasing the pyrolysis temperature without toluene vapor addition. The CMS membrane with toluene vapor addition also showed higher permeance with a moderate selectivity compared with the CMS membrane with gaseous hydrocarbon addition reported in the literature. Furthermore, the gas permeance and selectivity could be readily controlled by adjusting the pyrolysis temperature and duration of the addition. The optimal preparation conditions of the CMS membrane with toluene vapor addition depend on the targeted gas pair to be separated. This study indicated that adding liquid hydrocarbon vapor in the pyrolysis process can be a simple and effective method for preparing highly selective CMS membranes. In Chapter 3, the mechanism of achieving high selectivity for the CMS membranes prepared by adding toluene vapor was further investigated. The physical and chemical properties of CMS membrane with adding toluene vapor were characterized using some sophisticated characterization techniques. It was found that toluene vapor addition formed carbon deposition on the outer surface region of the CMS membrane, which agreed with the previous report. The gas adsorption experiment suggested that toluene vapor addition also resulted in the loss and the narrowing of ultramicroporosity. Additionally, I preliminary analyzed the mechanism of achieving high selectivity for the CMS membrane with toluene vapor addition. In Chapter 4, a novel porous carbon fiber (PCF) was investigated to prepare supported CMS membranes derived from wood tar solution, as the development of wood tar-derived CMS membranes has been limited by the availability of porous supports in recent years. Moreover, the CMS membranes supported on commercially available porous ceramic tubes were also prepared under the same conditions for comparison purposes. The PCF consisted of interconnected pore structures, which provide additional paths and channels for gas transport, whereas the porous structure of the ceramic support consisted of voids between the alumina particles. It was found that for both supports, 70 wt% wood tar solution was the optimal solution for preparation of CMS membranes. The PCF-supported CMS membranes exhibited higher gas permeance and selectivity than the NA3-supported membranes. Furthermore, a series of PCF-supported CMS membranes from 70 wt% wood tar solution were prepared at different pyrolysis temperatures, the membrane pyrolyzed at 600 °C exhibited the highest H2 selectivity. This study demonstrated that PCF can be used for supported CMS membranes derived from wood tar solution. Additionally, PCF is also a promising support for the supported CMS membranes derived from other polymeric precursors. Finally, Chapter 5 summarized the main contents of this thesis.
Creators : NIE JING Updated At : 2022-11-09 10:32:12
It is important to anticipate problems such as a large amount of spring water that occurs during shafts construction and maintenance problems such as concentration of lining cracks after shafts construction in advance, and to carry out construction in a rational manner. Crack tensor from the rock mass information (cracks, strength) obtained by the construction of the shafts of the Horonobe Underground Research Laboratory of the JAEA, aiming at the selection of support and the implementation of spring water countermeasures. Based on the theory, the research results were summarized with the aim of evaluating the water hydraulic conductivity of the rock mass during shafts construction and the deteriorated condition of the lining after shafts construction, and establishing a simple prediction method for these. Chapter 1 summarizes the current state of rock mass geological observation and lining maintenance in the shafts, the water permeability coefficient of the rock mass, and the past domestic and overseas studies on the deterioration state of the lining, and the hydraulic conductivity of the rock mass using the rock mass information. The purpose of this study was clarified with the task of evaluating the deterioration state of the lining and establishing these simple prediction methods. In Chapter 2, crack tensor theory and stereology (statistical geometry) are used using information (length, direction, opening width) of rock cracks during shafts construction. By applying the concept, the three-dimensional permeable tensor was estimated accurately. Then, when the hydraulic conductivity obtained from the three-dimensional hydraulic tensor and the hydraulic conductivity based on the result of the in-situ permeability test using the deep borehole near the shafts were compared, it was clarified that they were in good agreement. A high correlation was obtained between the crack frequency obtained by dividing the total length of the cracks obtained in the shafts construction by the evcavation surface area and the hydraulic conductivity obtained from the three-dimensional hydraulic tensor. Therefore, we proposed a method to easily predict the hydraulic conductivity of rock from the frequency of cracks. The obtained prediction formula targets the depth at which three cross sections orthogonal to each other can be obtained on the rock crack observation surface, but the prediction formula was also obtained at a depth where three cross sections orthogonal to each other cannot be obtained. Comparing the hydraulic conductivity of the rock mass and the hydraulic conductivity based on the in-situ permeability test results, it was clarified that they are in good agreement. In Chapter 3, the orientation dependence of the earth pressure is recognized in the underground environment of the Horonobe Underground Research Center, and it is the major principal stress direction in the shafts of the underground Laboratory. Cracks have occurred on the lining wall surface in the east-west direction. However, the lining cracks in the shafts at that point may depend not only on the orientation dependence of the ground pressure, but also on the rock cracks on the back surface of the lining, the ground cover and the rock strength. If a prediction formula for predicting lining deterioration can be created in consideration, it will be useful information for countermeasures during construction, and based on the crack tensor calculated based on the information on cracks, from the rock crack tensor and rock strength. I proposed a method to estimate the deterioration condition of the lining. The estimated value of the crack tensor regarding the deterioration of the lining using the obtained prediction formula and the measured value calculated from the information of the lining crack, assuming that the margin of error due to the relative error is 0.1, the estimated value and the measured value are well one. Im adei t clear that Ia md oing it. In Chapter 4, aiming at selection of rational support for shafts extension of underground Research Laboratory planned in the future and implementation of spring water countermeasures. Ip roposed ac onstruction management system that applies the crack tensor prediction method for rock hydraulic conductivity during shafts construction and deterioration of lining after shafts construction. In the future, in order to select more rational support and implement measures against spring water, the rock mass information (cracks and rock mass strength) acquired during shafts construction will be obtained using the prediction formulas established in Chapters 2 and 3. By predicting the hydraulic conductivity of the rock and the crack tensor related to the deterioration of the lining, and reflecting it in the measures against spring water in the rock mass and the measures against the deformation of the lining, it can be expected to contribute to the reduction of maintenance costs. Chapter 5 summarizes the research results in each chapter and raises future issues for conclusion.
Creators : Yamasaki Masanao Updated At : 2022-11-08 11:04:30
Creators : AL ASMAUL HUSNA Updated At : 2022-11-07 15:37:48
Creators : Lei Huijie Updated At : 2022-11-07 10:24:21
右心室 (RV) の機能障害とそれに関連する不整脈は、肺動脈性肺高血圧症 (PAH) の予後の重要な決定要因として認識されている。今回心臓リアノジン受容体 (RyR2) の安定剤であるダントロレン (DAN) による右室心筋への直接的な薬理学的介入が、モノクロタリン (MCT) 誘発性PAHラットモデルにおいてRV機能障害および不整脈に対する保護効果を有するかどうかを調査することを目的とした。方法として雄の8週齢のSprague-Dawleyラットに、PAHの誘発のためにMCTを腹腔内投与した。カテコールアミンによる心室頻拍 (VT) の誘発も、単離された心筋細胞におけるRyR2を介したCa^{2+}放出特性に関連して評価された。RVの形態と機能に対する慢性的な圧力過負荷の独立した影響を評価するためには、肺動脈縮窄モデルも確立した。結果、MCT誘発PHAラットモデルでは、RV肥大、拡張、および機能低下が観察され、MCT誘発2か月後の生存率は0%であった。対照的に、慢性DAN治療はこれらすべてのRVパラメータを改善し、生存率を80%に増加させた。慢性的なDAN療法はまた、RyR2からのカルモジュリンの解離を防ぎ、それによってMCTによって誘発された肥大したRV心筋細胞におけるCa^{2+}スパークと自発的なCa^{2+}トランジェストを抑制した。エピネフリンは、MCT誘発性PAHのラットの50%以上でVTを誘発したが、慢性DAN治療によってVTの完全に抑制した。以上よりDANによるRyR2の安定化は、PAHに関連するRV機能障害および致命的な不整脈の発症に対する新しい治療薬としての可能性を秘めている。
Creators : Tanaka Shinzi Updated At : 2022-11-04 15:11:52
We previously discovered that SPC/Fyn/Rho-kinase (ROK) pathway mediates the Ca^{2+}-sensitization of coronary arterial smooth muscle (CASM) contraction leading to vasospasm, a major cause of sudden death. Lately, we have been trying to find and develop more natural edible compounds which can treat and/or prevent the SPC-induced abnormal CASM contraction, and finally the first to discover that tangeretin (5,6,7,8,4'-prentamethoxyflavone), a natural compound extracted from citrus plants, can inhibit the SPC-induced CASM contraction both in the pretreatment and posttreatment. In porcine CASM tissues, tangeretin showed remarkable inhibitory effects on the SPC-induced contraction with modest inhibitory effects on the high K^+-depolarization-induced Ca^{2+}-dependent contraction, both in pretreatment and posttreatment at the optimal concentrations; Regarding the mechanisms, tangeretin markedly abolished the SPC-induced cell contraction through inhibiting the SPC-induced activation and translocation of Fyn and ROK from the cytoplasm to the cell membrane in cultured CASM cells, resulting in the reduction of phosphorylation of myosin light chain. Taken together, these findings indicate that tangeretin, upon pre- or post- treatment, inhibits the SPC-induced CASM contraction through suppressing the Fyn/ROK signaling pathway, thereby suggesting that tangeretin can be a potential candidate for the treatment and/or prevention of vasospasm.
Creators : Li Nan Updated At : 2022-11-04 14:42:18
Huntingtin-associated protein 1 (HAP1) is a neural huntingtin interactor and being considered as a core molecule of stigmoid body (STB). Brain or spinal cord regions with abundant STB/HAP1 expression are usually spared from neurodegeneration, whereas the regions with little STB/HAP1 expression are always neurodegenerative targets. The enteric nervous system (ENS) can act as a potential portal for pathogenesis of neurodegenerative disorders. To date, the expression of HAP1 and its neurochemical characterization have never been examined there. In the current study, we determined the expression and immunohistochemical phenotypes of HAP1 in ENS of adult rodents using Western blotting and light/fluorescence microscopy. HAP1 immunoreactivity was strongly expressed in both myenteric and submucosal plexuses of ENS. STBs were observed in the cytoplasm of most of the HAP1-immunoractive (ir) cells in ENS. In myenteric plexus, a large number of calretinin, calbindin, NOS, VIP, ChAT, SP, somatostatin, and TH-ir neurons showed HAP1 immunoreactivity. In contrast, most of the CGRP-ir neurons were devoid of HAP1-immunoreactivity. In submucosal plexus, almost all the cholinergic secretomotor neurons containing ChAT/ CGRP/ somatostatin/ calretinin, non-cholinergic secretomotor neurons containing VIP/TH/calretinin and vasodilator neurons containing VIP/calretinin express HAP1. Our current study is the first to clarify that HAP1 is highly expressed in excitatory motor neurons, inhibitory motor neurons, and interneurons but almost absent in sensory neurons in myenteric plexus. While, HAP1 is expressed in all neuronal subgroups of Meissner’s plexuses. These suggest that due to lack of putative STB/HAP1 protectivity, the sensory neurons (Dogiel type II) might be more vulnerable to neurodegeneration than STB/HAP1-expressing Dogiel type I neurons in myenteric plexus and secretomotor/vasodilator in Meissner’s plexuses. Our current results may reflect the involvement of HAP1 in modulation of excitatory and inhibitory motor neuron functions in myenteric plexus and the secretomotor and vasodilator functions of submucosal neurons. It will be of great interest to elucidate the physiological or pathological roles of HAP1 in ENS. Our current results might lay a basic foundation for future studies that seek to clarify the physiological/pathological effects of STB/HAP1 in the ENS.
Creators : Abu Md Mamun Tarif Updated At : 2022-11-04 13:40:31
Creators : Takahashi Yushi Updated At : 2022-10-21 11:30:51
Creators : Pattanakittivorakul Sornsiri Publishers : Yamaguchi University Updated At : 2022-08-31 16:59:56
背景:経食道心エコー図検査(TEE)は、心房細動(AF)に対する肺静脈隔離術(PVI)前の左心房(LA)および左心耳(LAA)における血栓の有無の評価を行うゴールドスタンダードな検査である。TEEは比較的安全とされているが、近年PVIに先行するTEEが食道粘膜損傷(EMI)を引き起こす可能性があることが報告された。 目的:PVIを施行したAF患者におけるTEE関連EMIの発生率とその危険因子を検討すること。 方法と結果:3D TEEプローブを用いた術前TEEと術後上部消化管内視鏡検査を受けたPVI患者262人を対象とした。TEE関連EMIは16人(6.1%)の患者(18病変)、PVI関連EMIは5人(1.9%)の患者(8病変)で認められた。TEE関連EMIは上部食道の右側と中部食道の左前側で多く認められた。1人の患者で軽度の胸部違和感を認めた。多変量解析では、高齢はTEE関連EMIの独立した危険因子であった(オッズ比1.08、95%信頼区間1.01-1.16;P=0.0274)。 結語:3D TEEプローブによるTEE関連EMIは、PVI施行患者の6.1%で認められ、高齢であることはTEE関連EMIの危険因子であった。これらの所見から、特に高齢患者においては、LA・LAAにおける血栓評価として他の画像診断を考慮する必要があるかもしれない。
Creators : 小室 あゆみ Updated At : 2022-07-07 15:32:56
In high strain-rate zones, active regions of ongoing crustal deformation, earthquakes occur frequently, the total slip rates of active faults are in the zone not consistent to strain rate detected by geodesy. This difference is one of the most significant issues for crustal deformation, and is known as "strain-rate paradox". Previous crustal deformation models are mainly constructed with major active faults alone, whereas minor faults are often recognized in the high strain-rate zones. The aims of this thesis are to solve the strain-rate paradox and propose a new image of the crustal deformation by focusing on the minor faults. In order to accomplish these goals, the representative high strain-rate zones such as San-in Shear Zone (SSZ) and Niigata-Kobe Tectonic Zone (NKTZ) were targeted. As a result of the topographical and geological approaches, universal model, origin, deformation process and mechanism of the high strain-rate zone were clarified. The main outcomes are as follows: (1) Minor faults in the NKTZ, which are mostly NE-SW to ENE-WSW-trending, have a few mm to a few dozens of cm in width and exhibit dextral sense of shear. These minor faults are distributed in the vicinity and/or away from the major active faults. In addition, the active fault, whose core zone has 5 m in thickness, were found. Such fault showed dextral sense of shear and has the latest slip event after AD 1521-1658, suggesting that the fault clearly contribute to the dextral deformation of the NKTZ. The origins of such faults are thought to be tensile cracks formed in Cretaceous, suggesting that the faults contribute to the dextral deformation of the NKTZ after repeated faulting along the cracks. The minor faults away from the major active faults are also thought to contribute to the deformation of the NKTZ, whereas minor faults outside of the NKTZ cannot contribute to that of the NKTZ. (2) Minor faults in the SSZ, which are mostly ENE-WSW to NE-SW-trending, have a few mm to a few dozens of cm in width and exhibit dextral sense of shear. These other minor faults trending NW-SE ~ NNW-SSE direction with steep dips, are sinistral sense of shear. The minor faults, which is trending E-W direction with steep dips, showed dextral sense of shear. Active faults, whose attitude are nearly parallel to the SSZ, are also newly recognized. The thickness of the fault is a few cm and thought to show dextral-reverse oblique slip after 18648-16313 cal. BC. The frameworks of the major active faults in the SSZ are thought to prepared along the geological boundaries and such faults have grown by the repeated activities since Paleogene. It is considered that not only major active faults but also minor faults away from the major active faults can contribute to the dextral motion of the SSZ. On the contrary, there are only reverse fault was recognized in the area outside of the SSZ. (3) The minor fault in the high strain-rate zones, which includes the minor fault away from the major active fault, can contribute to the dextral deformation of the high strain-rate zones because of their attitudes and sense of shears. On the other hand, the minor faults outside of the high strain-rate zones cannot contribute to the dextral deformation of the zone due to their attitudes and sense of shears. Thus, there are noteworthy difference between minor faults in and outside of the high strain-rate zones. Combining these outcomes, a hierarchical structure of the high strain-rate zones can be constructed as follows: (I) fault core of major active faults, (II) damage zone of major active faults, (III) brittle shear zone (or active background; the area beyond the damage zone but in the SSZ), (IV) inactive background (outside of the high strain-rate zone). This new model enables to partly solve the strain rate paradox for both zones, whereas an occurrence of faults differs between the zones. The NKTZ is characterized by NE-SW to ENE-WSW-trending minor faults and their thickness ranging from a few mm to a few dozens of cm. The active faults possess fault core with > 5 m in thickness. The SSZ are characterized by NW-SE or E-W-trending minor faults and their thickness ranging from a few mm to a few dozens of cm. Some faults show the Quaternary activities, whereas fault core with a few meters in thickness were not found. These differences on fault occurrence are considered to be derived from the evolutional processes. It is thought that the repeated activities along the pre-existed structures lead to present active faults. Thus, it can be considered that the faults are assigned in response to the local geological background, which result in dextral contribution to the high strain-rate zones. This study clarified universal model, origin, deformation process and mechanism of the high strain-rate zone by focusing on the minor faults. These achievements can constrain the modeling of the crustal deformation and interpretations of the geodetical observations and can contribute to assessments of large-scale constructions and seismic hazards.
Creators : Tamura Tomonori Updated At : 2022-06-14 13:58:52