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Hayasaki Mineo

Affiliate Master Yamaguchi University

Cross-reactivity between sera from dogs experimentally infected with Dirofilaria immitis and crude extract of Toxocara canis

Korean journal of parasitology Volume 40 Issue 4 Page 195-198
published_at 2002-12
[fulltext] 95.6 KB
Cross-reactivity between sera from dogs experimentally infected with Dirofilaria immitis and crude extract of Toxocara canis
Creators Song Kun-Ho
Creators Hayasaki Mineo
Creators Cho Kyu-Woan
Creators Lee Sang-Eun
Creators Kim Duck-Hwan
Creator Keywords
Dirofilaria immitis cross-reactivity ELISA immunoblotting Toxocara canis
This study was performed to investigate whethere there is cross-reactivity between Dirofilaria immitis and three intestinal nematodes of dogs. In ELISA, D. immitis-infected dog sera obtained at the 4th molting stage (9-11 weeks) and microfilaremic stage (25-30 weeks) were shown to be highly reactive with crude extract of T. canis. In immunoblotting, some antigenic fractions, 44, 57, 88, 100 kDa of crude extract of T. canis, were found to be positive reaction with sera of dogs infected with D. immitis. However, little or no cross-reaction were observed between sera of D. immitis-infected dogs and crude extract antigen of T. vulpis or A. caninum. These result suggest that there are partial cross reaction between sera of D. immitis-infected dogs and the antigen of T. canis.
Languages eng
Resource Type journal article
Publishers Korean Society for Parasitology
Date Issued 2002-12
File Version Version of Record
Access Rights open access
[isVersionOf] [URI]
Schools 農学部