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Ueyama Takeshi

Affiliate Master Yamaguchi University

A case of CTI depended macro-reentrant atrial tachyeardia with very long cycle length and an isoelectric baseline between atrial deflections

心臓 Volume 43 Issue Suppl.3 Page 61-67
published_at 2011-12-10
A case of CTI depended macro-reentrant atrial tachyeardia with very long cycle length and an isoelectric baseline between atrial deflections
Creators Hiratsuka Atsushi
Creators Shimizu Akihiko
Creators Ueyama Takeshi
Creators Doi Masahiro
Creators Yoshida Masaaki
Creators Fukuda Masakazu
Creators Kato Takayoshi
Creators Fumimoto Tomoko
Creators Matsuzaki Masunori
Creator Keywords
心房粗動 心房頻拍 三尖弁輪下大静脈峡部 リエントリー性頻拍 心臓電気生理学的検査
Languages jpn
Resource Type journal article
Publishers 医事通信社
Date Issued 2011-12-10
File Version Not Applicable (or Unknown)
Access Rights metadata only access
[isVersionOf] [URI]
Schools 医学部附属病院 大学院医学系研究科(医学)