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Hotta Masashi

Affiliate Master Yamaguchi University

Effects of lossy mediums for resonator-coupled typewireless power transfer system using conventional single- and dual-spiral resonators

IEICE transactions on electronics Volume E105.C Issue 3 Page 110-117
published_at 2022-03-01
[fulltext] 5.91 MB
Effects of lossy mediums for resonator-coupled typewireless power transfer system using conventional single- and dual-spiral resonators
To realize a stable and efficient wireless power transfer (WPT) system that can be used in any environment, it is necessary to inspect the influence of environmental interference along the power transmission path of the WPT system. In this paper, attempts have been made to reduce the influence of the medium with a dielectric and conductive loss on the WPT system using spiral resonators for resonator-coupled type wireless power transfer (RC-WPT) system. An important element of the RC-WPT system is the resonators because they improve resonant characteristics by changing the shape or combination of spiral resonators to confine the electric field that mainly causes electrical loss in the system as much as possible inside the resonator. We proposed a novel dual-spiral resonator as a candidate and compared the basic characteristics of the RC-WPT system with conventional single-spiral and dual-spiral resonators. The parametric values of the spiral resonators, such as the quality factors and the coupling coefficients between resonators with and without a lossy medium in the power transmission path, were examined. For the lossy mediums, pure water or tap water filled with acryl bases was used. The maximum transmission efficiency of the RC-WPT system was then observed by tuning the matching condition of the system. Following that, the transmission efficiency of the system with and without lossy medium was investigated. These inspections revealed that the performance of the RC-WPT system with the lossy medium using the modified shape spiral resonator, which is the dual-spiral resonator proposed in our laboratory, outperformed the system using the conventional single-spiral resonator.
Creators Norodin Nur Syafiera Azreen
Creators Nakamura Kousuke
Creators Hotta Masashi
Affiliate Master Yamaguchi University
[kakenhi]15501 grid.268397.1
Source Identifiers [EISSN] 1745-1353 [PISSN] 0916-8524
Creator Keywords
electromagnetic coupling wireless power transfer lossy mediums power transmission efficiency spiral resonator
Languages eng
Resource Type journal article
Publishers The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
Date Issued 2022-03-01
© 2022 The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers()
File Version Version of Record
Access Rights open access
[isIdenticalTo] 10.1587/transele.2021ECP5025